Chapter 45: heart beat

Start from the beginning

          "His father, our father's brother is the real king, but given that they were identical twins, nobody found out actually who was who." Cassiel continued on, his eyes distant while he fixated his eyes on the ceiling.

        "Are you... Talking about that time when the kingdom of Indragor of the far north was under seige of demons for three whole days eleven years ago?" I uncertainly asked and the three of them nodded their head solemnly.

        "Rex was just a baby then. King Marsilion, our Lord Uncle died in the battle. Queen Isabelle on the other hand escaped to the human world to take Rex to safety when she got separated from our mother, Lady Agatha."

            "While the kingdom was under attack, the king was killed but if it were to be known, the kingdom would surely loose hope and fall to it's doom so Lord Jahar, The real king's adviser told him if it was better for our father to swap places with him and make it look like as if he was the one who died and the king didn't." Leo continued on and we didn't speak whilst we listened, assessing what they were saying.

          So that means...the real king of Indragor, King Marsilion was already long dead?

         "Our Lord Father only wished for the kingdom to survive, he never wanted the position but he had to live up and act as if he were his brother, to keep all of us safe."

          "At that time, our mother also had a new born baby boy the same time the Queen received Rex so it wasn't hard for us to tell the kingdom that he was our brother."

          Cassiel gave another deep sigh and glanced at the sleeping third ranker who looked peaceful in his sleep.

             "But then... How the hell did Rex end up on the shore? I swore I found him all alone and there wasn't any sign of who you call his mother, the queen." Cyan asked, looking confused but realization dawned on all of us.

            "A Class S demon was able to follow after them before the portal fully closed. When the Queen didn't come back even after a week, we figured that she died especially after we found Rex two weeks later after that in the hands of humans." Gabriel sadly stated and faces fell at the information.

          "Our mother died in the siege along with our supposed to be last brother. We told Rex a long time ago and he seemed to understand it all as we kept the act on."

          "Our Lord Father acted as the king Marsilion, and we, acted as the four sons of his deceased brother who was the fake Lord Astallio. Rex is the only son of the real king which is enough to say that he was the real true heir and we hid that fact, acting as if all the four of us were candidates of the throne because all they know is that the king's son along with the Queen perished." Leo finished and we were all left gawking.

         That was messed up like they were speaking in puzzles but we managed to connect it all.

         "You... Kept it from us? King Marsilion---no King Astallio kept all of that from my knowledge?" King Decameron asked in disbelief and oh boy, something like that was considered as treachery.

          "Nope we didn't. Lord Father decided seven years later to tell the whole of Azeroth the truth since it seemed that things are already peaceful. Rex was just seven but father figured that it was time for him to place the crown on the real king----" Cassiel trailed off with an amused grin back on his face and I had a feeling that we were about to hear something ridiculous again.

        "But just as he was about to do so,  Rex stepped up and stopped him. Specifically, Rex ordered him to stop." Gabriel continued with a chuckle and we all stared at Rex's sleeping form. Seriously?!

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