November 13th, A Street in London, Midnight

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I stood at the top of the street, gloved hands shoved deep into my pockets in order to escape the cold. I watched my breath become white clouds and dissolve into the air. Looking beyond it, I saw what I'd left the comfort of my little house to see; the beautiful Christmas lights of London. Strangely, nobody was out tonight. I looked up at the fairy lights glimmering, suspended between buildings in a beautiful display. My chilled lips formed into a smile and I felt my heart glow. Christmas was two weeks away, but I'd been feeling the spirit of the season since the start of November. I loved Christmas; everybody loved everybody else, all people were kind to each other; what more could I ask? I shuddered with anticipation, and also to keep myself warm. I began to regret leaving my hat behind for a pair of earmuffs. I wrapped my scarf more tightly around myself, rubbing my cold nose. I suddenly became aware of the sound of boots crunching through the snow on the streets. I was no longer alone. I quickly glanced over to see someone stood a fair distance away, looking up at the lights, the glow lighting up their face. He looked about my age; his nose was red with cold and there were snowflakes on his blue hat. He wasn't very formidable, and since this was really awkward, I decided to say something. "Hey!" I called over to him. He started, looking around for the sound. I waved. "Over here!" He saw me and started across the snowy street, bewilderment flooding his face. Suddenly, out of nowhere, an automobile came flying around the corner at a speed I was pretty sure was illegal. "Look out!" I cried, darting into the street and dragging him out of harm's way. The car roared by and vanished down the streets, leaving nothing behind but a bit of disturbed snow and two strangers who somehow ended up staring into each other's faces.

"Hi," I said, uncomfortably aware that I was staring into this boy's eyes at a close distance. Admittedly, there were worse places I could look. His eyes were the blue of the ocean in the town I grew up in. "Hello," He said in response, looking as nervous as I felt. "I'm Grace," I introduced myself, stepping back. "Nice to meet you." I held out my hand, smiling encouragingly. The boy took it hesitantly and shook it a bit more confidently. "I'm Nate," He said, before turning back to the lights. "What brings you out here so late?" Nate asked, the lights reflecting in his blue eyes. I shrugged. "I was just, you know, coming out to look at the Christmas lights. I love the decorations here. Christmastime is my favorite time of year," I informed him, before realizing he probably didn't care much at all and shrinking into myself.

"Really?" He turned to me. "That's why I'm out here, too! I love Christmas, and London makes it ten times better." Nate sighed, a smile spreading across his face. I, of course, recognized the familiar spark of Christmas spirit I had within myself in him as well.

"Look - carolers!" I exclaimed, pointing to a large group of people in Victorian dress parading about with songbooks clenched in cold hands. They were singing an old English carol about two lovers when they noticed us and waved. I smiled and waved back, shaking off the cold. Nate did the same. Suddenly, the entire population of London seemed to discover our quiet little area, and people started flooding in, streetlights came on, and little children dragged their mums and dads into toy shops. Nate and I looked around, surprised at all the sudden movement. We looked at each other. "Hey, I kind of want to get some gifts for my family," Nate noted, tapping one boot. "I was thinking of doing that too!" I exclaimed. "Want to come along with me?" He asked, smiling again. I nodded quickly. "That sounds great!" Nate's eyes squinted as he eyed my bluing lips. "Maybe it's a good idea to go inside. You look pretty cold," he remarked. I managed a smile. "I am," I admitted. 

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