Chapter 18 ~ How Did This Happen?

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Male voices.

Female voices.

Lynne awoke, afraid.


Her heart racing. 

Am I alive...?

She could finally open her eyes, but got a headache when she did, so she kept them closed.

"...Are you.."


"-ke up.."

"Ma'am, are you awake?"

Her hearing faded back, and she got a chill at the voice.

They were rushing her somewhere, the beeping continued. 

She shook violently as the gurney hit multiple bumps and turns.


Lynne looked at her chest where she was shot, still bloody. 

It was hard to breathe. A few tears fell.

It was painful to breathe.  

Doors busted open, she didn't feel like opening her eyes.

There were new voices, more shaking, and the feeling of worry.

Lynne struggled to breathe, feeling pressure on her chest.

Drifting in and out of consciousness, she was terrified.

Am I gonna die...?

Is this what it feels like?

No, no no...

I don't want to die..

The beeps slowed.

Lynne's heart slowed with them. 


Lynne could feel herself drifting from existence.

Her eyes closed.

More pressure on her chest.

Electric shock.

....But it was too late. 

Her heart stopped because of the bullet that was shot into her, and lodged in the middle.

Lynne's body lay, lifeless.

The only noise was the monitor...


....The sound of it was deafening.

The next week was Lynne's funeral.

She was alone, nobody attended her funeral....

...Except for her little cat Bates.

He rested atop the mound of dirt she was buried under, waiting for his mother to come back.

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