Chapter 7 ~ The Next Victim...For Real

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Lynne left a few hours after.

Bates sighed happily.

He thought to himself, 'Wow..She's so gorgeous..'

He lay in his bed.

He couldn't sleep..

He couldn't get her off his mind.

He kept thinking of her silky smooth hair..

Her soft, kind voice..

Her eyes that reminded him of a galaxy..

Bates's eyes slowly became heavier, and he fell into a light sleep.

He dreamt about her.

The next morning, Bates awoke with a smile on his face.

That smile was soon gone..

As he got the craving again.

He decided he was going to find another victim.

He got himself dressed and made his way to town.

He felt the rush of adrenaline as he saw a brunette he'd known as Cori Yen.

He walked up to her, "Hi, Cori. We haven't hung out in ages!"

Cori looked up suddenly, "Oh, hi Bates!"

He smiled, "Do you want to hang out tonight?"

She looked at his lips..

They looked so soft.

"Um, yeah. Okay. What time?" She asked, still staring at his lips.

"7?" Bates suggested.

She watched the motion of his lips and nodded, "I'll be there."

He flashed a smile, "Alright! Can't wait!"

She smiled.

He flashed an evil smile, "Great."

7:00 arrived as Cori pulled into his driveway.

Bates smirked, hiding his knife in his vase full of flowers.

Cori approached the door and knocked softly.

Bates made his way to the door and opened it for her, grasping her hand softly, "Welcome."

Cori blushed as Bates pulled her in.

Bates shut the door and went to the vase of flowers, "I bought these for you..." He pulled them out in a bunch, the knife in the middle.

Cori's eyes gleamed as she started at the beautiful black roses.

Bates reached into the middle of the bottom and grasped the knife, pulling it quickly out and slitting Cori's throat. As it bled, her eyes rolled back and her body fell.

Just before it hit the ground, Bates caught it and carried it into the bathtub. He grabbed some flammable liquid and the zippo lighter he had stolen from Marina when he killed her.

He filled the tub with the flammable liquid and lit the lighter, tossing it onto the dead body of his friend Cori. 

His craving wasn't satisfied. He needed more.

More bloodshed.

More murder.

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