Chapter 10 ~ Cleaning Up

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Lynne scoffed at how easy it was to slaughter Bates.

"You always were a weak little bitch," she kicked his lifeless body with her combat boots.

"Pathetic little Bates-y-Boy."

She chuckled at the gaping whole in the back of his neck.

She began to butcher his body, pulling it apart piece by piece.

One arm.

The other.

One leg.

The other.

As she tore him apart, she dragged each piece to the fireplace to burn it.

She went into the bathroom, dragging the dead female from Bates's tub.

She butchered it piece by piece, dragging the pieces to the fireplace and placing them onto the dismembered body parts of Bates.

She grabbed the gasoline that was beside the toilet and drenched Bates and the female who she didn't recognize.

She pulled out her Zippo lighter, lit a spark, and threw it atop the two individuals.

The sizzle of their bodies satisfied her.

She smirked, went into the kitchen, made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and placed herself in front of the fireplace to watch them burn.

She calmly ate her sandwich as a jet black cat with a blue eye and a brown eye made its way into the house.

Lynne glanced at it.

It padded over to her and placed itself beside her.

She handed it a piece of peanut butter with bread on it, "You like the display, too, eh?"

The cat purred, eating the bread.

Lynne noticed the cat's eyes, "You're like me."

After the fire died down and all that was left was ashes, Lynne swallowed the last portion of the peanut butter and jelly sandwich and picked the cat up.

She grasped another zippo lighter she found on the counter and shoved it into her pocket.

She went into Bates's room and took some of his clothes. The nicest ones.

She folded them neatly as the cat came and rested atop them.

He purred as Lynne pet him, "Let's head out."

She picked the clothes up, the cat resting on top, and walked out the door.

She glanced at the sleepy cat, "Hmm. I think I'll call you..."


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