Chapter Nine

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The rest of the night passed without any dreams. Whatever had caused my fever seemed to be gone for now. I noticed that Luthias was gone and quickly got dressed. Memories of our kiss the previous night warmed my heart and I'd hoped to see him soon again, although I wasn't sure what I would've done then. I saw Heinrich nearby and ran up to him.

His expression caused my joy to slam to a halt.

"We're moving out," he said glumly.

This was nothing new.

"So?" I asked.

"To Yorktown."

My stomach iced over.

"We can't!" I objected.

"We've been given our orders. Luthias made it clear that we are not to argue," Heinrich sighed.

I had gone from being the happiest to wishing to weep in a matter of seconds.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"He's over there talking to the American general."

Without thinking, I ran over to the two men.

"We can't go back there!" I said breathlessly. Luthias gave me a bone-chilling stare, as did the American man.

"Get back to work," Luthias snapped, obviously displeased with the interruption.

"Don't you remember the-"

I was cut off when Luthias's hand clamped over my mouth. His grip was hard enough to hurt my jaw.

"Speak out of turn again and you will be punished. Do I make myself clear?"

I swallowed hard and nodded. Luthias shoved me roughly away and I retreated on shaking legs. The American was obviously pleased at Luthias's rough treatment of me. I supposed he'd never forgiven Heinrich and I for taking their horses. I tried not to cry as I slunk away towards Darrell.

"You shouldn't have interrupted him," Heinrich said. Anyone else would have snapped at him, but I heard the sympathy in his voice. "I'm sorry, Ad—Ruth," he sighed, "it seems we have no choice."

I choked back the tears and tried desperately not to cry anymore. I couldn't let the others see me with a tear-stained face. Tightening my resolve, I busied myself with getting Darrell's grain rations and brushing him. The horse seemed to sense my depression and nudged at me. I petted him and buried my face against his warm shoulder.

"You won't let him be killed, will you?" I whispered.

He thrust his velvety nose into my palm and licked it.

Just as I was finishing up my chores, Heinrich came to get me. Luthias wanted everyone in the center of camp.

I noticed that he intentionally refused to look at me as he barked out our orders. We were to eat quickly, get our stuff packed up, and head for our final destination. I shivered and wondered if I'd ever get warm again. It seemed that winter would never end.

 We rode in silence side by side for a long time. My mare was subject to endless distractions and I had to keep reining her in from them. She was being particularly uncooperative when Darrell reached over and nipped at her. For a fraction of a second, I smiled when she snorted at him.

Luthias seemed deep in thought and I didn't try to talk him out of it. He was never very much of a talker on these long rides. Heinrich was behind us somewhere, so I couldn't talk to him, either. I heard the other soldiers conversing in whispers behind us. I heard a few of them talking about what I'd done earlier and my face heated.

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