12| Let Us Out

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Lawfully Dusfunctional

'I swear I'm going to drop the two of you on the side of the road if I hear one more word from your mouths.' Marc threatened Dimwit and I.

'How about two?' I asked, less out of curiosity and more to annoy him.

'Freya Caro-'

'There's something called GPS Marc, according to which we've arrived at our destination.' I said smugly, trying to sling my bag over my shoulder which didn't go as I willed and it ended up hitting my lower back. Ow.

I would be lying if I said that Dimwit's house wasn't beautiful. It was a bungalow that had a glass wall through which you could see the spiralling, descending staircase. The lake shone like ivory under the afternoon sun and I hoped that no one would dare stop me from jumping into that natures creation.

'Wow.' Deli looked stunned.

'It originally had a very Victorian era taste to it, but I had a few things changed on the outside to make it more modern.' Mr. Vanderbilt said looking proud.

'Lets go in!' Deli pulled my hand towards the door, but stopped and smiled sheepishly when she realised that the keys were with the owner.

The inside was as beautiful as the outside with a more homely feel to it. My earlier exitations on jumping into a lake had dimmed since the car ride made my stomach a little queasy.

'I think I need to take an afternoon nap to replenish my energy, which rooms are free?' I asked Dimwit, acknowledging him for the first time in an hour.

'The others can take what they want, but I think the basement will be perfect for you, it can be your little cave.' He smirked.

'You.' A threatening sound escaped my throat.

'See, animalistic sounds? I knew you couldn't be human, cause those I can tolerate.'

'Weren't you feeling sleepy Freya? I think you should rest.' Deli voiced her concern for me. 'Before we all lose our minds.' She said in a lower voice. I glared at ger pretty face which contorted into an apologetic expression when she realised I heard her.

'I bet you can't sleep in a basement.' It tried to bait Dimwit who gave me a knowing look.

'I can and I'm not stupid enough to fall into your trap. But as much as I dislike you, I would never let a guest be uncomfortable, so you can take the room above.' Without another word I turned.

When I reached the top I heard Delilah call out to me in fear and I rushed down the stairs, almost toppling when I heard Deli's terrified screech again.

'I'm coming!' I ran, on the way looking around for a weapon. I saw a vase sitting untouched and I lifted it up.

When I reached I saw Delilah standing in front of a room that looked dark, but there was a grin on her face which morphed into terror on seeing me. I was suspicious but I said nothing when she clutched my hand, pointing towards the room.

'I thought you were dying.' I rose an eyebrow.

'I am!' She exclaimed. 'There is a rat in there.'

'Shit.' I took a step away, if there was anything in the world I hated more than Dinwit at the moment, it was rats. They were evil and I'd rather be miles away from them. Unfortunately, I had one made the mistake of making fin of Delilah for getting scared of them, so she now thought I was fearless and I didn't correct her.

'Uh, where are the boys?' I asked.

'Inside the room, they are trying to catch hold of it.' Deli chirped.

'You don't look scared.'

'Oh but I am, petrified.' She pushers me slightly closer to the door. 'Go help them, one more pair of hands will be beneficial.'

'I don't-' But before I could complete the sentence she pushed me in and locked the door from outside.

'Why have you closed the door?' Mr. Vanderbilt asked.


'Marc is outside.' My eyes widened in realisation and I felt fury build up.

'Let us out, you can not do this!' I banged the door relentlessly, refusing to spend another minute in the same room as the ignoramus Mr. Vanderbilt. It was dark, so I didn't know where exactly was Dimwit standing, but I could hear his breathing and the shuffling around of items in the storage room.

'If that door breaks I'm going to have to make you pay for it, move aside, let me try in ways that are more civilised.' I stepped away and threw my hands up dramatically though he probably couldn't see it, unless he had night vision.

He gave sharp knocks on the wooden door and I could hear Deli's obnoxious giggle and Marc's laugh from the other side.

'Marc, Delilah, however funny this has been I suggest that you two open this door as soon as possible, or else I'm going to suffocate to death.' I snorted at his words.

'Do you think this is funny.'

'As a matter of fact I do. Because you aren't going to be the one dying out of suffocation, your ego takes up way too much space so I'm going to die.' I fake smiled.

There was silence for a moment. 'That will do too.' Came the deep voice.

'We aren't going to let you out unless you become friends, so I suggest ya'll get yourselves properly acquainted. There's apparently a sibling night event in a nearby restaurant, we'll be back soon.' Marc said.

'What if the house catches fire? Or a thief comes and takes everything away? Or dacoits come?' I gasped, banging the door again.

'That would be unfortunate but we're getting late, bye.' I heard the front door bang close and I sunk against the wall.

'I can't do this, not with you. Couldn't you put a light switch in this damn room if you're rich.' I glared at the darkness.

'There is one, but I haven't been here in ages, so you'll have to find it.' He said in a chilly voice.

'And what are you going to do, dance?' The sarcastic words spilled from my mouth.

'I'll search the wall to the right and you can search the left wall.' He commanded.

'Okay then.' I huffed.

I slowly sidestepped to the left, till a hard concrete wall could be felt on my fingertips. I tiptoed, shoving things out of the way with my foot.

I assumed I had almost felt half the width of the wall when I felt a firm, warm hand lay over mine.


A/N: Have you ever locked anyone anywhere? Room, outside on the balcony or in the fridge? Just kidding about the last one...
Maybe XD

What would you say if I said that I already have the next three chapters completed?

Lawfully Dysfunctional (DISCONTINUED)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora