Chapter two

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I reached for the cereal box and tiptoed over to the table, still humming the song me and Marco danced to. I poured the cereal into a ceramic bowl that Mr. Diaz made in his arts and crafts class at the college. I close my eyes, still picturing the shining cardboard stars and the sheer bliss of his warm embrace.
"Um.....Star?" A voice said, interrupting my daydream with a sharp snap back to reality. I open my eyes to see the entire covered in cereal, my bowl overflowing. I blush and pull out my wand, zapping the excess cereal away. I reach to my chin and feel a long stream of liquid on my chin. Was I drooling? I look next to me and see Marco looking dwn at his hands in surprise, which were still scooping up invisible cereal. He looked down at the table and sighed. "No matter how many times you do your magic, I still can't get used to it." I laughed and sat down, grabbing my spoon and stuffing the sugary goodness into my mouth. The doorbell rang and I charged for the door. I opened it and standing there he was. My ex boyfriend Tom.


I dropped my spoon and looked at the door, slightly worried. There was a shuffling sound from the doorway and then a disturbing kind of quiet. I stood up and pushed in my chair (being cautious is still important in life threatening situations).

"Star?" I asked, which was responded to with silence. I started to get nervous and my palms started to sweat. "You okay?" Nothing. I heard the doorbell ring and I jumped. I walked over slowly and reached for the doorknob, my hand shaking. I pulled it open to reveal Tom the demon. He stood in the doorway, sporting and elegant tux.

"You are coming with me Diaz." He said calmly, stepping into my living room. I jumped into my karate stance, motioning for him to bring it on.

"Not without a fight." I said, glaring at him, waiting for the moment when he would strike. It would come any second. "What did you do to Star?"

"Speaking of Star." He chuckled, snapping his pink fingers together. Next to him, appearing in a cloud of red flames, was Star. Her wrists and ankles were tied to chair. She was unconscious, her luscious long blond hair falling in her uninjured face. Good, he hadn't harmed her. I would have killed him if he did. He held a knife to her throat, pulling her head back. I spoke too soon.

"Fine. Just please don't hurt her. Let her go." I held out my wrists in surrender and he zapped chains around them. He zapped Star out of her restraints and she fell, sprawled out on the floor. Before he snapped me to the underworld I slipped off my shoes and laid them carefully next to Star, so that when she woke up, she would have know what had happened. He snapped and I sighed, the warm flames spinning towards me.


I awoke to the door open and the laser puppies licking my face. I laughed and tried to get up. I was slightly sleepy and yawned, stretching my arms as they hit the door. I winced in pain. The Diaz's have extremely pointy doorknobs. Wait, why was the door open? I tried to recall what had happened and why I fell asleep in the middle of the doorway. All I could remember was answering the door and then......TOM! But where was Marco? I looked down and saw his sneakers shoes lying next to me.
"Oh no!" I screamed, panicking. Marco never took his shoes off because he hated the possibility of wet socks. He even wore them to bed. Although I never knew why he didn't just take off his socks as well. (Did he have a horrible scar?Or a disgusting foot fungus? Or did his feet just smell really bad?) That could only mean one thing. I grabbed my wand and searched for my magic handbook. I'm coming Marco. T thought as I muttered the incantation to get to the underworld gates.

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