Proper Manners in Islam

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" Saying Bismillah and Alhamdulillah"

Before to start everything say Bismillah that means In the name of Allah and after it say Alhamdulillah. You will say Bismillah before you eat, drink, doing wudhu, and others and You will say Alhamdulillah after you eat, drink and others. The messenger of Allah  (Prophet Muhammad) do it. Saying Bismillah will protect you from Shaitan.

"Saying Asalamu Alaikum and Alaikumasalam"

If you see a moslem say Assalamu Alaykum and He\She will say Alaikumasalam. Assalamu alaikum is a word that is called greetings. Before you enter a house of a person you cannot enter without permission and greeting him\her. You can greet all people but if He\She is not a moslem greet him\her Wa Alaikum.

"Tawheed and Shirk"

Tawheed was believing In one god and he's Allah. This is the proper way not the forbidden way if there is proper way there is forbidden way that is called shirk. Shirk was blashempy to Allah.and Shirk was forbidden and dangerous. Tawheed is good and Shirk is bad.

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