||T W E N T Y||

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"Ugh... Alexia what are you doing"


"Why are you sitting over there?"

"Because you're mad at me"

"No Alexia just, sit next to me....please?"

"Okay... you sounded mad at me yeste- um are you hugging me"

"No im just trying to suffocate you... hug me back princess"


"Get off the bus with me"


"So you can see how awesome at my job I am, and I want to talk to you more"

"Hmm okay"


"The one and only franks café!"

"What do you do?"

"Take orders and sometimes I cook"

"Can you make me something?"

"Of course, what do you want?"

"Hot chocolate?"

"Cool, just sit over there and I will bring it to you in a minute"


"Here you go. Also don't worry about paying, its on me"

"What, are we on a date or something?"

"Only if you want it to be"

"Stop winking it looks like your eyes gone into shock. Oh my god this is amazing, what the hell"

"Im the best of both worlds"

"Weirdo. Oh um..."


"Your friend is calling..."

"Oh sorry hang on a minute. Hello? Haha yes I remember. Doubt it. Sorry its just Im kind of busy right now. Yeah I will. Ok. Bye"

"Its fine I get it, I'll leave so she can come round and then you can make her something"

"Alexia wait up! Alexia stop walking away"

"Let go of me"

"Whats your problem? You were just fine a second ago"

"I saw you okay! I saw you at the beach with that brunette. I saw she kissed you and my friend said you were calling her princess. That's why I lied and said I had a boyfriend okay. So go have fun with her"

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