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When I reach the bottom step of the stairs, I pause. Listening to Killian and Henry discussing they're sailing trip for today. Ever since they saved each other aboard Captain Nemo's submarine, they became like father and son. I love to see them together, to be reminded of just how lucky I am.
When I finally enter the kitchen both heads turn and smile. Both in their pajamas, they break away from one another to greet me.
"Morning mom." Henry calls enthusiastically, obviously excited to go on yet another sail aboard the jolly Rodger.
"Enthusiastic are we Henry?" I reply whilst sitting down.
"Yep." He answers cheerily.

I look over at Killian , smiling .
"Your boy seems to be getting the hang of it." Killian announces proudly.
"well I have a great teacher." Henry responds. Killian chuckles and then takes my hand from across the table.
"will you be joining us, love?"
"I think for the sake of your ship, I better stay off the seas whilst I'm I'll."
"yea, dad would kill you if you ruined his decking." Henry says, laughing.
Killian's face lights up everytime Henry calls him dad, which is all the time. He relishes in the fact that Henry sees him as his father, adorable. I smile, thinking about how soon he'll have some else calling him that.

They set off for the docks around half and hour later. Leaving me time to wrap my head around the fact that I'm actually pregnant. My mind starts to race once more, panicking about the reactions from not just Killian but also Henry, my parents and the rest of Storybrooke.

After a few hours of panic, anxiety and hyperventilating, the phone rings. I gather myself together and answer.
"Swan, meet us at the docks?"
"I'll be there."
"looking forward to it."
"see you in a minute then."
"see you in a minute, love."
The call ends and rush to get dressed, stopping to throw up on my way.

Once ready, I set off to go meet them. When I arrive they're just coming in. Killian must have wanted me to see his work as Henry has the wheel. I can't help but beam at the sight. A few tears even well up in my eyes -hormones. Luckily I have time to recover so that when they arrive, the tears have gone but my massive smile remains.
Killian breaks into laughter and shakes Henry's shoulder.
"well done lad." he exclaims.
Henry and I join in on the laughter.
"thanks dad." he says to Killian and they a quick man hug.
Now, I think.
"Henry can you go to Regina's for a while please kid?" I ask.
"yea sure, I'll meet you at grannies in half an hour."
"thanks kid."
He smiles at me then Killian before heading for his other mother's home.
" Everything alright, love?"
"yea " I don't look at him as I say it. I look up at him now. Looking right into his clear blue eyes. " I just needed to tell you something." I say smiling.
"and what is it that I need to be told?" he says with a smile upon his face but quizzical eyes.
I take a deep breath, smile and simply answer : "I'm pregnant, Killian."
Within an instant his lips are locked to mine as he kisses me. He breaks away, -our foreheads still touching, fingers still entangled in one another's hair - and looks right into my eyes with one hand cupping my cheek and caressing it with his thumb.
"we're having a baby?" he asks, laughing slightly.
"yes." I reply with a big smile on my lips.
He closes his eyes and leans in slowly but just before our lips meet, he opens his eyes once more. " I love you, Emma Swan."
"As I love you, Killian Jones"
He kisses me then, and I feel so content, so unbelievably happy. This is my family. My home.

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