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I sit, cross legged, on my bathroom floor. My mind in a semi conscious state as it swims in anxiety,fear and somewhere -joy. My hands shake as I look down once more at the stick in my hand,the other -without me realizing - is placed upon my stomach. I'm pregnant.

It's footsteps that causes my mind to snap back into reality. I quickly place the test behind me as Killian appears. He must have woken and after noticing my absence, came searching. Still half asleep and without his beloved hook, he smiles his crooked smile that gets my heart pounding every time.

"morning love " he says, leaning against the door frame in his pajamas that he still doesn't understand the need for. I attempt a small smile but he can tell something's up.
"what is it,Swan? Have you been sick again?" he asks, concern upon his smoldering -as he says- face.
"yea, I woke up feeling sick and I didn't want to wake you."
"Swan, no matter whether it's a bloody ogre or a simple cold, if anything is uneasy with you, I'll be there."
I smile and think about how lucky I am to have Killian. He smirks, knowing his words have worked.
"it's fine really. I'm fine Killian, I promise." I reply, knowing that everything really is fine. Better than fine, amazing.
"please just go to Dr. While. If not for you then do it for your devilishly handsome pirate who loves you." He pleas. Damn, he's good. Maybe I should tell him now? No, not yet. For now I just want to sit and eat breakfast with Killian and Henry.

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