Chapter 5: A Bad Day to be a Princess

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The next day, I told Nathan all about the spell I found after I told him that I found the book. He was so happy, but there was something we needed that might make us change our minds. We needed a human heart. There was also a possibility that the person doing the spell could turn evil. I told him that I would do it, but I don't think I could get a heart. He told me that he would get one, that he didn't care what it took.

Another thing we needed was the wand used to create it in the first place. The good news is that we have it. The bad news is that it's in my father's office which he rarely leaves. I had to get it, but that was going to be very difficult. I decided to give it a try when he went down for dinner, but that would mean being late. Also, he will probably notice when he goes back after work, so I'll have to take it to the barrier as soon as I am done eating.

Later the next day, my father just left his office, so I quietly walked it. The office was neater than I expected. Everything was in it's place, and it looked like no one works in there. The desk had nothing on it, the floor was spotless, and the shelves was filled with books none of which were out of place. The wand was where I remembered it was before. It was in a glass case in the corner of the room. I remembered there was an alarm around it, so I used a spell I just learned to break the alarm. Then I slowly picked up the glass case and set it on the desk. Then I took the wand and replaced it with a fake wand I bought from a small shop. Then I slowly put the case back on. Then I started walking out of the room, but a book fell off the shelf and hit the glass. It shattered into millions of pieces.

I quickly left when I heard my father ask for downstairs, "Jasmine, what are you doing up there? Come down and eat." I put the wand under my bed with the book and went down stairs to eat.

"Sorry father, I'm here."

"What was that sound?"

"I don't know. I was just finishing some reading I had to do for school when I heard the crash. I think it came from your office." That definitely caught his attention. He pushed his chair away from the table and stood up. "Oh, I'm pretty sure everything is fine father. Why not wait until after dinner?"

"No, I am going to go check it out now."

"But father..."

"NO! Jasmine, go sit down with you mother and eat. I'll be back soon." Then he left the room and everything was silent. Well, until I heard him come down and start yelling again. "Someone stole my great-grandfather's wand! Jasmine, did you take it?!"

"No father. I told you that I was reading. Plus, what use would I have using the wand?"

"True. Well whoever took it is going to pay."

Then my mother spoke up like where did you come from? Were you not listening to anything we've been talking about. "Come on honey. Sit down and eat something." I don't think father was very happy because he just looked at her and sat down. No one spoke again until after dinner.

I was the first one to finish eating, so I quickly went upstairs and put the book and wand in a bag. Then I quickly left the castle to go to the barrier. When I got there, Nathan was sitting down with his back against the barrier. I startle him when I said hello.

"Oh, hi Jasmine. What do you have in there?"

"Well, I brought the book for you and a little something else." I pulled out the wand, and he was surprised. 

"How did you get that so quick?"

"I'm friends with the princess, so she got it for me."

"Oh, yeah that would make sense. Can I see it?"

"Sure, but I'm gonna need it back." I tried to throw it across, but something stopped me. Someone took it out of my hand. I turned around and there stood my father who was very very angry.

"I KNEW YOU WERE LYING! HOW DARE YOU STEAL THIS FROM ME!" I was so stunned to see him this way. It's my father, the one that is always quiet. "I CAN"T BELIEVE THIS!"

Nathan definitely seemed a little uncomfortable about this, but I had to try and make an excuse. "Dad, please. That's not what you think it is. I bought that from the store."


Then Nathan stepped in with a question of his own, "Wait, great-grandfather? Are you the king?"

Then my father looked at me confused. "Jasmine, who is this boy, and why doesn't he know that you are the princess?" At least he stopped yelling, but Nathan didn't look very happy to find out that I'm not who I claimed to be.

"He's a friend, father."

"And what did you plan on doing with this wand, Jasmine's friend?"

I looked at him like, don't tell him our plan. Then he looked at my father and answered, "I just wanted to see it. She said she had a way to get it."

I'm pretty sure he didn't buy it by his response. "Hmmm... well if you say so." Then he looked over to me. "Okay, well you better come home soon, and you are not allowed to go back into my office ever again." Then he walked away with the wand in his hand. I lost big time.

Then I looked over at Nathan, but I couldn't look him in the eyes. "So... I guess you know my secret now."

"You are the princess? Why didn't you tell me?"

Then I looked up at him and started to cry. "Because I liked not being "The Princess" for once.I could be myself around you."

"Yeah, I understand, but you still could of told me."

"I know. I'm sorry."

"Hey, are you gonna be okay? Your father seamed really mad."

"I don't know. He hasn't ever acted like this. I am a little scared to go home."

"Well, if you need anything you can come to me."

"Thanks Nathan. Now I really have to leave. Don't want to make him more mad."

"Yeah, night Princess Jasmine."

I smiled and said, "Night handsome." That definitely surprised him, but he didn't seam mad. Then I went on my way back to the castle.

When I walked in, my father was waiting outside at the door. He didn't look any happier. "Father, are you okay?"

He just stared at me for a couple seconds. Then he walked over and grabbed my arm with great strength and pulled me over to a door on the side of the castle. "I am not okay! You took something used for dark magic, so you will pay for it."

"But father, Nathan wasn't going to do anything with it." I started crying more than I was before. The tears flowing down my face and not just from the pain in my arm.

He pulled me to a stop and looked into my eyes which made me feel like a scared child. "I know, but you would!"

The room was dark and damp. My father through me inside saying something like, "You will stay in here and think about what you were trying to do," or, "I don't know who you are anymore." It was kind of hard to hear him through my crying and pain. He literally threw me inside and locked the door. I couldn't see anything, it was all black. I didn't know what was happening or if I'd make it out. I tried scratching the brick walls and screaming for help, but nothing worked. I finally just gave up and curled in a ball and cried. And that's how I stayed until he came.

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