Chapter 4

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I quickly looked away, blushing, but not before I had memorized how regal Prince Ethan had looked.

His chestnut brown hair was styled in a swept back undercut and he had a slight smirk that made his raven black eyes shine. Dressed in gold and black attire he looked devilishly handsome.

Remembering I only had until midnight I politely declined a particularly persistent suitor and left in search of the bathroom. As I made my way towards the doors I snuck one more glance at the thrones. Ethan was gone. Of course he is. I thought to myself harshly, Why would he even ever think twice about you?

When I reached the restrooms I was in a slight dilemma. Did I use the women's room or the men's room? I stood for a minute weighing each option out in my head.

"Are you alright, dear lady?" I whipped around at the new voice and found myself looking into familiar raven black eyes.

"I... Yes..." I was dumbfounded. Up close Ethan and I were actually the same height, my heels giving me a couple extra centimeters. At the close proximity I could also see that the prince had a small birthmark below his right eye. I silently cursed myself, what was I doing anyways? Taking a detailed analysis of the crown prince, I was out of my mind.

"Very good. I'm on my way to a special room to get away from the ball. Care to join me?" He bowed mockingly and started to walk off down the hall. Blushing I hurried to catch up with him.

"... Crowded rooms like that aren't really my thing," He eventually said, breaking the silence between us. "That's why I love this room, it's completely unknown to everyone. Except me and you that is. It's beautiful and quiet, an especially nice place to get away from off the crazy fan girls." Ethan glanced at me and chuckled, sitting down on a bench in the beautiful garden.

"Who's to say I'm not some crazy admirer too?" I asked, taking a seat next to him. His smile faded as he saw I was serious.

"Hmm let's see... For starters, you didn't scream when you saw me and seem quite intent in ignoring me for the most part. And," He pretended to pout, "You've barely said anything since we met. I don't even know your name."

I laughed and shook my head at his expression. My throat ached from talking with a pitched up voice for so much already, but I figured I shouldn't really ignore a prince.

"Well, I don't enjoy pointless talking and hate crowds. Why else do you think I was trying to hide in the corner?" I crossed my arms and frowned at Ethan.

"As I saw it you were quite the socialist, talking to so many men," Ethan teased. I groaned and covered my face.

"That's exactly what I didn't want to happen. I only wanted to see..." I paused and look at Ethan, embarrassed. "Um, I only wanted to see you... The prince..." When he rose an eyebrow at this I hastily added, "And all the dresses of course. Everything was so beautiful and it was just like a dream..." I trailed off, noticing that Ethan seemed to be staring at me quite intently.

"Yes, the dresses may have been pretty, but the real beauty of tonight is out here in the garden with me right now." I felt my face instantly turn crimson. I silently cursed, of course this outfit would draw attention. How was I ever supposed to explain my secret to Ethan before he carried things further?

"I realize we just met, but I've seen you before. In a dream. Dressed all in blue, the same color you are in now. So, my lady," He leaned downed as if to kiss me. At that moment, through luck or magic, the clock struck midnight. I jumped up and turned back to Ethan.

"I'm sorry my prince, but you must forget me. I'm not who you think." With that I ran as fast I could out of the palace.

As I ran I heard footsteps behind me. Looking over my shoulder I saw Prince Ethan and his six guards starting to chase after me. I ran even faster, but was forced to slow down when I reached the castle stairs.
I went down them as fast as I could, but tripped, losing one of my mother's glass slippers. Knowing I didn't have time to pick it up, I slipped off the other shoe and held it in my hand as I ran off to my carriage.

The moment I jumped into the carriage we pulled out onto the road and started racing away. I watched as the prince picked my shoe up from off the castle stairs and stared out into the night after me. Seeing my carriage speeding away he saluted in my direction. Sighing and sliding down in my seat I realized that I had never told Ethan my name. I was only ever "my lady".

The mysterious girl from his dreams that had vanished again.

Cinderaen (BxB Cinderella)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora