Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Saxon kissed me awake, chuckling and tickling my sides. I groaned in protest before screaming and laughing, swatting at him trying to get away from him. In my attempted escape, I hit the floor just a little harder than I would have thought. I had hit so hard that nausea actually bubbled in my stomach and I scrambled to my feet and ran to the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind me.


“Scar? Baby?” Saxon knocked on the door, but didn’t come in. I got sick into the toilet bowl and wiped my forehead, realizing that suddenly I was sweating and shaking a bit. I continued to retch into the toilet and my stomach cramped painfully. “Scarlett? What is going on?”


I wiped my mouth, gagging a bit and hanging my head over the bowl. “I will be fine. I am just a little nauseous.” I called back before quickly standing when I felt stable enough not to get sick all over the floor. Saxon opened the door just as I grabbed my toothbrush and started brushing my teeth eagerly.


“Scarlett, you don’t look too good…” He whispered, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. “Do you have the flu?” I shook my head, knowing that wasn’t the cause of my nausea. If I had the flu, I would have felt it coming on.


With a shaky breath, I finished brushing my teeth and turned in Saxon’s arms to look at him. “Can I have a moment alone? I don’t want to take care of business with you in the room. I am not THAT comfortable yet.”


“Of course, baby. I will go down stairs and tell your sister you will be right down.” He kissed my forehead and I bristled a little. He chuckled. “I wanted to surprise you, even before our little fight the other night. So I invited your sister to come stay with us at my house. I think you are safe now. There has been no sign of Weston and I am missing my king size bed.”


I threw my arms around him and kissed him eagerly, feeling nothing but happiness. “Thank you. Oh my god, thank you!” I said against his lips and hugged him to my body. “I will be down in a few minutes, I swear.”


“Okay, babe.” He kissed my cheek and left the room, closing the door tight behind him. I let out the breath I had been holding and opened the cabinet under the sink, pulling out the emergency pregnancy test that I always had on hand. I knew I had taken one before and it was negative, but sometimes they were wrong.


This was the only explanation I could think of as to why I would be getting sick, and my breasts hurting. Maybe I was pregnant. It was nothing new to me that Saxon and I had unprotected sex, which was foolish on my part, and I knew I was going to pay the price. I could only hope that Saxon would understand if I was pregnant with his child.


“Please… let this be negative.” I whispered to myself.

A few minutes later, I held the test in my hand and squeezed my eyes shut. I was too afraid to open my eyes and see what the test would reveal. “Come on, Scarlett. You are not a baby.” I opened my eyes and let out a loud scream. “Oh my god. No…” Positive.


Saxon banged on the door less than a minute later. “Scarlett! Baby, what is it? Scarlett, answer me or I will just burst in, whether you are taking care of your business or not.”


“You will do no such thing, Saxon. You will respect my sister’s privacy or I will personally kick your ass. I don’t care if the two of you are getting married in two weeks.” Ashley’s voice rang out loud and clear, and suddenly I grew even more afraid. She couldn’t know! Not yet… “Scarlett, are you okay?”


I took a deep breath, hiding the test in the cabinet quickly and opening the door, still only in one of Saxon’s larger shirts. “Hey, sis. Um, can I borrow Saxon for just a moment? I will be down in a few, I promise this time. I just thought I saw a spider.” I gave her a warm smile, hoping that it was convincing.


“Um, okay, Scarlett. Hurry up, I want to visit with you.” She hugged me tight and scurried out of the room.


I pulled Saxon into the bathroom and slammed the door shut behind him, beginning to cry as I pressed my back against the door. The tears burned my cheeks and sobs wracked my body, even as I fought to control it. But I just couldn’t control it anymore. Saxon stared in shock as I slid to the floor and buried my face in my knees, whispering. “I am so sorry, Saxon. I am so, so sorry. This is my fault.”


“What did you do, baby? What is your fault?” He asked, kneeling in front of me and cupping my face.


I gently swatted his hands away from my face and sobbed harder. “You won’t want anything to do with me once you know. I don’t even want anything to do with me.” He pushed my hands away and cupped my face forcefully, not giving me the opportunity to shove him away.


“Then tell me what is going on. Now, Scarlett.” I could see the fear and concern in his eyes, which only made my heart hurt that much more. I gestured to the cabinet with a shaky finger. He very, very slowly pulled away from me and opened the cabinet, picking up the stick by the handle. I saw his face pale a little and then his eyes flickered to me. “When did you take this?”


I swallowed hard, ready for him to start yelling at me any moment now. “I just took it when I asked you to leave the bathroom.” I whispered, not looking at him. I couldn’t look at him when he told me he wanted nothing to do with me anymore. This was all my fault.


“Oh my god, baby…” I heard a soft plink as he tossed the test into the metal trash bin and pulled me into his arms. “Don’t cry. Please don’t cry!” He begged, holding me tighter than before. “We can get through this.”


I looked up at his face. “Can we? What will your mother say? What will happen? We aren’t even in love and yet we are having a baby? Saxon…”


“Shh… Let’s just go catch up with your sister and we can talk about this when we actually have more time to discuss our options.” He kissed my lips gently.


I stiffened. “I will not get an abortion if that is what you are wanting  me to do.” I said, glaring at him.

“Oh god, no! I just said we would talk about everything and our options later. I never said I wanted you to get rid of the baby. Don’t worry about that.” He stood and pulled me up onto my feet, smiling kindly. “Let’s get you cleaned up and dressed. I bet your sister thinks I have murdered you by now.”

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