4|The Book

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4|The Book

Weeks passed and Hermione tried her best to avoid Ron and his girlfriend. It wasn’t that hard since she was always in the library and there are only a few students there.

It was Saturday and Hermione woke up early as usual and went to the great hall for breakfast.
Neither Harry nor Ron was there.
“Must be busy.” She thought and ate her breakfast.
“Hermione! Aren’t you going to Hogsmeade?” Luna asked her as she walked towards the library.
“It’s Hogsmeade weekend?”
“Yes, Do you want to go with me?” Luna asked her.
  Luna and Hermione went inside different shops all day until they finally entered the Honeydukes.
“Are you going to buy some sweets, Luna?”
“Yes, I will.” She said in her singing voice.
It took them a while but they finally bought everything they need in the shop and that leaves Hermione with the bookshop.
“Hey ‘mione, I’m sorry but I promised Neville that I would meet him in the three broomsticks. Would you like to come with us?” Luna said. Hermione knows pretty well that Neville is finally showing his affection to Luna and she has no reason to spoil their date so she politely replied a no.
It wasn’t until Luna left her that she felt all alone. She just ignored the feeling and went inside the nearest bookshop. She immediately began to look for a book in potions. It took her a long time but eventually, she spotted it. The only problem is that it was too high. She tried to jump to reach it but she couldn’t.
“Whoa, Granger. Are you really the smartest witch of our age?” She turned around and saw that it was Malfoy. Of course, who else would be making bad comments about her.
“What do you mean by that, Malfoy.” She says his name like venom.
“Accio book” Within a second, the book was already in Malfoy’s hand. He smirked at her and then left to buy the book.”
“Malfoy, wait!” Hermione cried. “I really need that book, please.”
“But I took it first.” He answered and finally bought the certain book.
He went outside the bookshop and went into the Quidditch store. He was thinking of buying the new fastest broom in the entire wizarding world but then. He spotted Hermione trailing behind him. “Is she really that desperate to get this book?” he thought.
After checking out a few stores, Draco Malfoy came in the three broomsticks to order some firewhiskey and sat down in one of the chairs. It was a habit of coming in here alone since he needs peace sometimes, but then his ‘peace’ was interrupted when Hermione sat in the chair opposite his.
“Malfoy, it was the last stock they have because it is a limited version and I really want to study the potions in that book.” She pleaded once again.
“I want to study the potions in this book also, and I bought it so it’s mine now.”
Her eyes are watering but she didn’t let anyone especially Malfoy see her cry so she ran back into the castle forgetting about the stupid book.
The very next day, she decided to avoid Harry and Ron because she is still a little angry at them for completely forgetting about her yesterday. It was easy since she woke up early. As soon as she started to collect her things, she found a book. The same book she wants really badly. And there was a note.
I already have a copy of this book anyway.
It’s yours.
She smiled. Who knew Draco Malfoy has a soft side? She chuckled at the idea.

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