Dear Diary

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Dear Diary

So I don't know how to start this but I give it a try, my mum and sister had a fight because of my mum new boyfriend and my sister hit my mum and put a drink all over her just because my mum was messing about bringing her boyfriend to my sister scan, so my mum is kicking her out and I'm getting the blame for it and it was her fault but of course she won't own up to it like always and I lost any respect I had for her now.  My sister a drama queen and quite honestly I don't know how anyone would put up with her drama,

I put up with her shit everyday and I'm tired of her and I said to her if you don't stop doing what you do to our mum she end up going to commit suicide and she said she should do that and that tell you want kind of person she is, she is completely evil and I cannot stand her,

She texted my mother boyfriend and said a lot of mean stuff and block his numb

You smile but you wanna cry
You talk but you want to be quiet
You pretend you're happy but you ain't
What defines us is how well we rise after falling - Ken Kaneki

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