"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"Don't be," he breathed, "it was worth it."

I sucked in a breath of insecurity and anxiety as his face tilted towards mine. His face was so close to mine that I could feel the warmth of his breath upon my cheek and the smell all the sweetness of fairy bread. My eyes fluttered close, my lips trembled in anticipation, and my toes curled in girlish curiosity.

And, just as his soft lips were beginning to graze my own, a click of the doorknob tore us apart. I wrenched myself backwards as the door swung inwards on its hinges, creaking loudly in the silence of the hallways.

"I thought I heard someone out here." Chris greeted us at the doorway, eyeing us with a look of dirty suspicion.

I straightened my blouse and took a step forwards, trying to remain strong as I faced off the man who had threatened me.

"I have come to ask for permission to visit George Oles."

"Excuse me?" Chris coughed, a laugh on his lips. Irritation bristled in my stomach.

"You said that if I wanted to see him, I had to ask your permission, so I am asking for that to be granted." I said, a plea beginning to fill my voice.

"And what makes you think that I will grant you permission to see him?" He laughed, closing the door behind him and stepping out into the hallway.

"Maybe we should go inside to discuss what I have to say—"

"Anything you want to say to me, you can say out here." He said, too quickly. He was hiding something.

I narrowed my eyes at him and took another step forwards.

"I'm sure your father would also like to hear about the information I have found regarding the death of Even Parker." I pressed, eager to go inside.

"Death? He's not dead, Emily, he's missing." His voice rose, irritation clearly evident in his voice.

"I have reason, and proof, to believe that he is already dead, and we should begin looking for the body."

"These are some serious accusations you are making, Emily." He took a threatening step forwards.

"I have proof." I pressed, not scared by him.

"Where? Where is your proof?" He yelled, taking everything very personally. My suspicion grew.

Why is he reacting like I am targeting him?

"What is the meaning of this?" A voice boomed from behind the closed door. It flew inwards, as a great forced wrenched it open, and Richard Welsh appeared in all his glory, his gigantic figure casting a shadow over me.

Behind the door, I saw movement, and had to squint to figure out who was hiding within the room. My eyes were only allowed to focus for a split second before the door was slammed shut again, both Welshes standing before Vans and I. Shock began to settle into my blood as the face within their walls began to register in my mind. Before the door was shut, the eyes of Gary Ridgeway met my own, and a sinister smile, one that stretched from ear to ear, grew upon his lips.

What is the River Killer doing, unguarded, inside their office?

Before I could answer Richard Welsh, something wet dripped onto my forehead and slowly dripped down my face. I looked to Vans in confusion, hoping he would tell me what was falling off my chin and onto the stone cold floor. The horrified expression that greeted me stopped me heart from beating momentarily. I placed a finger upon the wetness on my forehead and held it in front of my eyes. Their was only one answer for the sickening red; blood.

I swallowed hard, turning slowly, and looked up.

Hanging from a wire tied around his neck, Even Parker's face was almost unrecognizable amongst the green and black swelling that covered his body. Chunks of skin were slashed off his body, hanging by threads of skin, and only bloody sockets remained where eyes should have been. His clothes, which were shredded by stab markings, were blackened with blood. Worst of all, his crotch was soaked with piss, bile, and old blood, his tool of manliness cut from between his legs and placed between his clenched teeth.

This wasn't just a murder; this was a threat and a display of power.

Vans was the one to break the deafening silence.

"Well, I think we found the body."







Please comment your thoughts!! I love hearing them!

Did you guys think he was dead? Or did you think they were going to find him alive? 

Most importantly, who'd you think killed him?

Xx Charli

Ps- I updated early cause you guys deserve it ;)

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