Chapter 22

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~2 weeks later~
"Bye mom...Bye Jay...and BYE BLUBLUE!!!" I said as I hugged all 3 of them.

Today is my last day in New York because I'm moving to LA. Mom bought me a condo over there. Too bad they're not leaving with me. I'm really gonna miss them.

Jay closed the trunk of the car and I hopped into the car. The car started moving. I rolled down the window and waved goodbye one last time.

I rolled the window back up. Mom seemed happy for me but I can tell she was heartbroken inside to see me leave.

As soon as I left the gate. A tear rolled down my cheek. Everything seemed so real. I'm finally following my dreams. A few momths ago I was being sexually abused and now I'm following my dreams and with a family that loves me.

I wiped my tear away and smiled. I know I'm gonna miss them but I gotta focus on myself. I honestly can't wait to go to LA.

I arrived at the airport. I was met by paparazzi. Security led me to the jet. I sat down on the back of the plane and awaited take off.

A few minutes later, I departed from the airport. A few minutes later, I got a call from Reshon. I declined it.

In case, your wondering what happened between me and Reshon; Just know his ass is a fuckboy. He kept toying with my emotion and I had enough so I broke up with him.

I closed my phone and drifted away to sleep. When I woke up, I looked out the window and saw that the plane had landed.

I got up from my seat and exited the plane. I got into the car that was waiting for me on the runway.

The driver put my things into the trunk. I was still tired so I fell asleep again.

I awoke to someone shaking me gently. I opened my eyes to see the driver. "Ma'am we're here," He said. I nodded and got up.

I got out of the car, put my hood on and my head down so I won't get noticed.

The driver and a few of the condo's staff helped get my things. We went up to my condo. They set down my things and left. I reached into my backpack and grabbed my key.

I unlocked the door and started to bring my things in and damn did I have alot of things.

More of my things started to arrive. These things were the things that I wasn't able to carry on with me on the plane so they came via truck.

I was struggling with this heavy ass box when I heard someone say, "You need help?"

I turned around to see this fine specimen. His skin was the perfect shade and...Snap out of it Zendaya, Don't fall for him. He's just another fuckboy and is gonna break my heart just like Reshon. I just can't fall for him.

"Hello? Is anyone is anyone home in that beautiful head of yours," He said which caused me to blush.

He smiled when he saw me blush. His smile was so contagious. The same shit that happened with Reshon is happening with this guy. I don't to make another mistake.

"Um...Yeah someone's home," I said, "And to answer your first question, I don't need any help," I continued and went back to struggling with carrying the box.

"You sure," He said, "Yeah I'm sure. I'm not a damsel in distress," I said with a bit of attitude. "No need for the attitude ma. My mama taught me to be a gentlemen and help a lady when they need it so that's what I did," He said.

I sighed. "I'm sorry, It's just I just got out of a relationship and I'm blocking out like every new male I encounter. I guess its a phase," I said.

"It's ok," He said and started to walk away but I call out to him. "Wait! Hold up! Stop," I called out. He stopped and turned around.

"Come back here and help me with my boxes please," I continued to say. He smiled and walked back over to me to help.

"What's your name," He asked as he effortlessly picked up the box that I was just struggling with earlier. "Zendaya," I replied as I picked up one of the light boxes.

"How about you. What's your name," I asked, "Trevor," He simply replied as he set the box down.

We continued to pick up and set down boxes for another hour. We made small talk here and there. When we were done, He stayed for another hour. During that hour, I made a new friend. He learned alot about him and he learned some things about me.

I could tell he liked me and I sorta kinda like him too but I don't think I wanna be in another relationship right now and I certainly don't wanna rush anything so I guess we'll remain friends

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