Whether it's for better or worse, he is here to stay.

Shivering, I hugged myself tighter and pressured for Alexander to hurry up. He moves at the pace of a sloth when he wants to. But why now? The windchill is in the damn negatives and he's taking his precious time coming to the car, leaving me to freeze.

With it being January I'm not shocked at how cold it is. Sleet is in the forecast tonight. Tomorrow it's supposed to snow all day, which means after we come back home we will not be coming back out. Well, I won't be coming back out. I cannot speak for Alexander since he's unpredictable and never listens to me. Although, for the most part, after I've told him about the incident he's been staying with me and actually listening. That was almost two months ago, it's been a decent two months. We somewhat acted like a normal married couple.

"Finally." I breathed out, quickly hopping in the car that's just as cold as outside.

"Well shit." Alex took a water bottle that was left in the cup holder and examined it. It was halfway frozen.

"I told you that would happen." I laughed a bit as I also stared at the ice block. He waved me off and backed out of the driveway.

My head slowly nodded to the low 90s r&b playing through the speakers. Out the corners of my eyes I caught a glimpse of Alex, who turned the radio up a bit. He nodded his head a little, but you could barely tell. A grin tugged at the ends of my lips as he unintentionally tightened his jaw.

It was quite obvious to see we were no longer in the countryside of the state when we got stuck in traffic

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It was quite obvious to see we were no longer in the countryside of the state when we got stuck in traffic. We unfortunately were stuck in a tunnel with low, dim, yellow lights on the walls every now and then. Sighing, I rested my head on the headrest. As soon as my eyes fluttered shut Alexander spoke.

"Huh?" My eyes opened as I furrowed my eyebrows. "I didn't hear you, sorry.." I mumbled.

He chuckled. "I said since we're sitting in traffic, I might as well tell you what's been on my mind for awhile now."

"Oh." I found myself giggling for no apparent reason. "Let me knoooow, let me knooow." I tried to hit the same note as Aaliyah, but failed miserably causing my husband to laugh at my goofiness.

"Well..." his cold hand gripped my warm thigh softly, tracing small circles with the tip of his thumb. For some reason the small massage his thumb was giving my inner thigh made me feel tranquil. "I'm thirty one, old as hell! And you're going on twenty four... we've been married for how long now?"

My eyes met his. I bit my lip, waiting for him to speak again; I instantly felt embarrassed when I realized this wasn't a rhetorical question and that he actually wants me to reply.

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