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Third Person - Harry Styles

"Hi mum, hope you're doing alright. I'm going to that vacation I've always wanted to do before getting into the real world. And I think I've found a way to earn money for us." With one lass kiss to her cheek Harry hesitantly walks out of her hospital room.

That was his final goodbye, because truly, Harry doesn't really have anyone that'll miss him in this town. She's all he's got left. And when he bought cake yesterday, it was to take part in a self pity party. But now that event can be on a rain check since he's venturing to America with four new pals!

Yesterday, before they all disperse into separate ways, they've planned that by the end of the night they would formally meet to buy the plane tickets that Zayn has booked for five people. They've exchanged phone numbers and are in a group chat, though, Harry claims he's the most comfortable with Niall.

At Harry's condominium with just his mother, though the last few weeks he's been a solo bird, he kisses his bedroom goodbye and starts to roll out his suitcase. His keys and bicycle lock fall into the opposite hand of his luggage. Locking his bike in his backyard, and all his doors as he won't be home until next weekend.

Within minutes of cars passing by, Harry's transportation arrives. The bus (you UK people say tube?) ride to the airport is twenty minutes from home which is why he has scheduled his agenda to be a few hours early.

At the airport, Harry gracefully sits on one of the benches, literally. Legs crossing over one another with a book in his lap that he's been fascinated over the past week. He tightens his peacoat strap around his wait to remain comfortable since it'll be awhile for the others to arrive.

"Hey. Harry, right? Or are you Niall?" Harry hears a familiar voice that occurred over yesterday night. He glances up and recognize one of his new friends, "Hi Liam. It's Harry Styles. You're here early!"

"I was kidding about earlier. Of course I remember all your guys names. And yeah, I just finished gardening for this new house I've built with my company so I thought why not come here now before I fall asleep and don't wake up." Liam explains and takes a seat next to the early bird Harry.

"I'm just here because I needed to be on the bus before night time. 'Scares me at night traveling alone." Harry mentions, cringing about all the manipulative people out there, anywhere really.

Liam takes off his sweater and throws it over his luggage, "Alone? How old are you?" Harry tells him that he's seventeen and he gives a shocked expression, "Well you are very mature for your age. Just graduated? I'm twenty five."

"You could be like my mentor! Right? I could use some pointers during college. But I could only afford city for now even though my grades are great. I didn't get any money from anything." Harry sighs but nonetheless, Liam agrees he will provide some advice and assist Harry with easier pathways during school life.

"You two!" Liam and Harry look up and see Zayn strolling his suitcase over to them. "You guys are here thirty minutes early. Would you like something to eat?" Harry hides the fact that he's been starving since this early afternoon with a light nod, "I could get something small."

"Great. I'll text the other two guys that we'll be at the lower level food court." Zayn pulls out his phone while they follow behind him. "Guys wait up!" An Irish accent rings behind the three. Well that's Niall here.

Harry prances over to him and give a light hug, "Hi! Gonna go eat with us while we wait for Louis?" Harry asks even though it was completely unnecessary, of course Zayn is going to make Niall join the guys.

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