Starting to see a little more of a story

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Your eyes fade for you now see colors and you see two short skeletons arguing about something and one is wearing a brown scarf and the othere looked glitchy and sad. "Hey what are you guys arguing and why am i tied up i cant move"you say with confidence "well lets see mr.glitchy here is trying to kill you and im saving you got that? My name is ink that guy is a jerk" say ink while smirking "hhhheey! Im NOt a JeRk!!! AnD ThAt Is NoT My nAmE mmmmmyy nnnnnamme iis error!" Error got off track and releashed you "hEy!" You sweep your leg under his feet making him fall down "HMmmmMm....."says error he teleports to get up and punches you in the face knocking you out...................

~ well guys i hope you liked this chapter and if this is the only book you have seen by me go check out the others byeeee!

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