baby Aaron

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It was only a matter of time now, little Aaron would soon start to loose his concept of what it meant to be a big boy. After goofing off all his life, and never taking anything seriously, he finally met his match. He'd soon loose all this toilet privileges & big boy looking clothes would just not do, have to donate them to boys who can be responsible & actually take care of them. Aaron hated laundry and dishes and chores so instead of dealing with his rebellion his Daddy took a stern retaliation on his misbehavior and said "no more big boy anything, you don't like responsibility? Fine. You won't get any." And with that little Aaron huffed and whimpered as he was stripped of his man briefs and man clothes and put into a big spreading locking plastic pants. "I don't want to be a baby!" He exclaimed. "Well you should've stopped to think about that when you were acting like one, crying about your responsibilities, Aaron."
And with that Daddy took his boys mouth and popped some mysterious pill down his throat. "This will make the transition easier baby Aaron, just relax, you soon aren't gonna remember much of this resisting anymore, you soon won't remember your Favebook password, I changed it anyway." "What?! I - I - don't wanna loose my..."
"Oh don't worry about loosing your friends baby Aaron. I already made a big post about how you're going through a big transition and you appreciate everyone's patience & you hope that your true friends will accept you for who you're becoming."
"When .. Do I .. What am .. I becom-"
"Oh we'll find out soon enough won't we baby Aaron? Soon everyone will know you're just an enlarged baby toddler that uses diapers everyday cuz you would otherwise wet & soil yourself; you're gonna eat only baby food so you won't know what solid waste feels like anymore, just warm squishy sensations; you'll forget what it feels like to pee, you'll just go and drip whenever, without really feeling anything more than a tingly feeling at the head of your boy-knob; it'll shrink in size with a low dose of reversal hormones in combination with muscle relaxants, diuretics & castor oil sometimes; tons of suppositories before bed, enemas too.... You'll experience the whole lot. Sometimes even stuff you've never heard of; you'll drink Daddy's cum mixed with your morning & bedtime milk; you'll do that so often you won't realize the difference between that and regular milk & you'll soon prefer over regular milk & want it with everything you consume; we'll lock you up on both ends: your boi knob with an ever-decreasing cage that will make your dick shrink in mass and erectile performance, it will be red at the tip and shriveled, boi sack full of cum and fluid desperately waiting for days and weeks and months for relief; your cunt will get swollen between your legs, just like your diaper, as you parade around the town in baby clothes, but not til your fully made ready; your boi hole will be plugged from time to time after a proper doushe; expanding locking plug that will offer no way out especially with the locking spreader you're now in, oh so much more to come baby Aaron...."
"Why would you tell ... Tell me all this .. Er-"
"You're to call me just Daddy now baby Aaron you understand"
"Yes uh... Daddy?"
"Is that a question you little faggot??"
"No what boy?"
"No ... Sir"

"That's a good boy, don't worry about al this growing up you've already failed at little guy, it'll all be over soon. You'll forget what it feels like to sleep in anything but a crib; you will be so thickly padded you'll only be able to waddles and eventually after your legs give out you'll soon resort to crawling.. Completely dependent on your Daddy to pick you up and put you in your high hair and feed you mashed peas with daddy's special milk mixed in a bottle: a concoction of all your sleepy/hormone meds & Daddy's thick cum. It'll be the closest thing you get to sex ever again"
"Hormones ?! What I'll be a girl?"
"No little man it'll be just enough to reverse any traces of testosterone left in your system; you'll get a little swollen in your belly area maybe, no more strong man abs or biceps; we'll get you underdeveloped and supple and more inclined to behave under MY roof from now on."
"But I don't want boobies!!"
"You won't have them, just thicker juicy boy nips and less of a dick and more of a fatter, wider ass for Daddy to play with.."
"I thought you said I wasn't going to be having sex anymore?!"
"Not that you're aware of baby Aaron, Daddy has some special sleepy pills and chloroform that will make the process much easier for you to be completely asleep while Daddy probes your hole to make sure everything is alright & while doing so he might invite a few of Daddy's anonymous friends over to relieve that testy prostate of yours and fill you up full of men's loads... Maybe you'll meet them. After you wake up of course. While we're all having a beer. You of course are going to be groggy and dressed in toddler clothes & the guys will probably laugh and poke fun at you but it's okay cuz I'll explain to them that my boy Aaron just couldn't get his adult life together so his Daddy had to step it up and reprogram what life was to Aaron .. Change his whole existence & trade-in an old life for a new, very real reality."
Aaron just sat there a little confused in the middle of a circle of grown men, becoming absorbed by his overall shorts with snaps on the crotch & little prints, he looked down and saw himself, for the first time, a giant budge from the locking diaper mechanisms, plastic pants, a dummy clipped on to the baby-print t-shirt that went all the way down into a snapping onsie..."
He thought, "will I ever be the same again .. Will I ever be me again??"
And just at that moment, Daddy looked at me and just smiled and shook his head no. It was like he was in my head. I didn't need words anymore and the next time I uttered something else it just came out as gibberish.

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