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Kristine sat in the walk-in. Her teeth were chattering and goosebumps ran up and down her body. The zombies were slowly walking away. She felt nauseous every time she stood up.

"HELP!!", she yelled.

No one was there. She saw the air vent that lead to the outside of the store. She grabbed the multi-tool and took out the screwdriver and began unscrewing it. Once it was taken off, she made her way into the vent. The cold air hit her body immediately. She crawled towards the light of day coming from the end of the vent. The vent led to the roof of the store. She walked over to the ledge an. Looked down. The entire area was iced.

"FUCK!!", she belted.

The baby kicked her again. She sat down. Her hands clinched her stomach in pain. The baby was hungry but she didn't know where to find food. The store was cleared of all traces of food. Food lion was swept clean of all its grocery items. The gas station had been raided by kids who wanted a snack. All the buildings in the Falls River Shopping Plaza had been raided and vandalized. Carolina Gunrunners had been robbed of ammunition and guns. Kristine sat for ten minutes rubbing her stomach. The baby was getting bigger and bigger each week. Soon it was going to be born. Born into an infectious diseases ridden world. She wanted the baby to be safe but things were looking hopeless. She could hear the zombies through the vent. One began climbing the vent. Kristine stood up.

"How are these creeps climb in now?", she exclaimed.

She was trapped on the roof with the zombie approaching her. Kristine screamed in fear. The zombie grabbed her.

If I die then I will be free. If I live, then I won't be free.

Before the zombie could bite her, a crossbow arrow hit the zombies' head, making a sickening noise.

"Who did that?", Kristine asked.

"Thank us later", I told her.

Nemesis: Old FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now