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Kathleen was walking outside of the Holiday Inn. She was chain smoking, letting her mind wander. She turned a corner and was met by a zombie. She turned and ran the opposite way. As she was running, she tripped over a rock. Her knee hit another rock.

"Shit!!", she said as she began army crawling.

The zombie continued walking towards her. She called out Cole but he didn't answer. She continued crawling. The zombie was catching up to her.

"HELP!!", she yelled.

No one came. She then saw something that made her vomit. Cole was lying on the ground. A chunk of flesh was taken from his arm. The zombie was a few feet behind her. She made her way to the lobby of the Hotel. The zombie stayed outside. Kathleen lied on the ground crying profusely.  Time was running out. She needed to look for survivors. She needed food and water. She was going to die of starvation.

Nico and I were brought into an underground bunker. It had running water and electricity. Also food. Plenty of food.

"How did you guys get all this?", I asked.

"Our parents were rich. Danny is an electrician and I am an inventor", Kimye explained.

Nico and I took turns taking a shower and freshening up. We then sat and ate.  It had been so long since we had good food. Nico inhaled a turkey and cheese sandwich. Kimye and Danny watched us.

"You guys fight and zombie hordes?", I asked with a mouth  full of sandwich.

"Yeah. Kimye and I took down quite a few so far", Danny replied.

Kimye was looking at Nico intently. She seemed to be in a trance.

"What do you invent Kimye?", I asked.

"I make my own arrows and weapons", she said as she showed me her now and arrows.

"She also built this bunker", Danny added.

"What happened to your parents?", Nico asked as he took a sip of water.

"They were infected with the virus. They were later killed again", Kimye said very calmly.

"What about yours?", she asked.

"Killed when I was five."

"What about you?", Danny questioned me.

I recalled running into them a year ago but I don't remember where they were.

"I don't know ", I answered.

We finished eating. Danny showed us to some cots in another room. After that, we took a nap. Nico slept like a log. I fell asleep but was awoken to the sound of a gun being cocked. I could here muffled talking coming from outside the bunker. I sat up. Kimye was working on something. Danny wasn't in the room. She got up and left the room. I slowly stood up and crept around. The bunker was quiet. I went over to the table and saw what Kimye was working on. It was some sort of watch. I was too nervous to touch it. I heard shouting coming from outside. I walked to the door of the bunker and pressed my ear against the door.

"We are in too deep right now. We have two stragglers who seem like the type to take over our bunker. How do we know we can trust them?", Danny asked.

"Why would they do that? Did you see Nico? He looked hot", Kimye said.

Well I was taken by surprise. Kimye had a crush on Nico. Then I heard something that made my heart stop.

"Byran isn't going to like this", Danny said.

I must've been making a lot of noise because Danny stopped talking and walked over to the door. I tiptoed back to the cot and pretended to be asleep. I eventually fell asleep for a few hours. When I awoke, Nico was outside the bunker. I got up and went out. He had a new hockey stick that was made by Kimye. It was created with Light metal but was unbreakable and life proof.

Danny was nowhere to be seen. Kimye noticed me and walked over. She had a pocket knife in her hand. She gave it to me.

"Cool what does this do?", I asked.

"It's just a pocket knife ", she explained.

"Uh, thanks."

Moments later Danny appeared with a tall dark skin man. He looked to be in his mid to late thirties.

"Kimye you remember Ron?", Danny asked.

"Of course", she replied.

He signaled for her to come over to him. He began whispering something to her. I noticed Ron staring at me and Nico. I never seen this dude in my life. I pulled Nico aside.

"Something big is about to go down!", I whispered.

Nico laughed it off and told me that I was crazy. He then walked away from me. While I was talking to him, Ron continued looking at me. I pretended to not notice. As I walked past them to go inside, I heard Tessa's name being said. I also heard Joey's name as well. I made my way back to the kitchen area.

"Dude we need to pack it, now!!", I said.

"What is wrong with you?", Nico asked.

"They are working with Byran. I heard them talking about that when you were asleep", I explained.

"You are full of shit dude. Wait till I tell them your theory", he laughed as he left the room.

"Nico you can't tell them that!! If they find out, then we will get killed!!"

"Find out what?", Kimye said as she entered the room.

My heart pounded against my chest. I could feel my soul leave my body. I had to act quick. I said the first thing that came to my mind.

"I am rich too", I said with sweating pouring from my forehead.

"Cool", she said,"have you seen Nico?"

"He left the room. Not sure where he is."

She left the room. I had to sit down. I have never felt so terrified in my life. I took a few deep breaths before standing back up. When I did, Ron came in the room.

"Sit back down. Let's talk", he said with a sinister grin.

Nemesis: Old FriendsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz