I've got my life back, Or have I ?

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Sat deep in chair, in reverie,

Surrounded by daytime T.V.

At last, I feel that I am free,

From all that Boardroom rivalry.

Free from knives, and cold deceit,

That made my colleagues so replete.

I wiggle toes, in slippered feet

And feel my life is now complete.

I'm free to do just as I wish,

Play some golf, or even fish.

Join an 'over fifties' club,

or spend my time down at the pub.

Then my wife walks through the door,

I know I've seen that 'look' before.

She stares at me, with growing frown,

I slowly put the 'paper' down.

"Now you're here, there's things to do,"

"I need a lot of help from you."

"You need to fix the garden fence, "

"You'll do it now, if you have sense."

"And I've got a growing list,"

"Of all the things that you have missed."

"I'll keep you busy, have no fear,"

" Enjoy retirement, my dear!"

A/N Lots of men die within a few years of retirement, I wonder why.......

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Owain Glyn

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