Our Sovereign.

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Sixty years upon the throne

Sword aloft to raise a Knight

Never needed payday loan

Or understood a pauper's plight.

Privileged from birth to grave

Without a cloud to mar the sky

The masses crave a Monarch's wave

With eager voice they all will cry;

"God save the Queen, God save the King

God save the Prince of Wales"

We don't mind if they're Germans

Even Greeks, if all else fails.

We were born as subjects

To bend low and know our place

We should be bloody grateful

Just to gaze upon that face.

That they should spend our hard-earned cash

Is but their Royal right

Lackeys wake them up each day

And tuck them in at night.

They need their gold-lined palaces

Their castles give them joy

They can hide their indiscretions

And keep out the Hoi Polloi.

Of course they bring in tourists

With their dollars and their yen

Who never catch a glimpse of them

So back they come again.

We love our Royal family

They make us feel secure

We don't mind if they cost us

Fifty million every year!

So sixty years of service

is a feat to celebrate

We'll get an extra day off work

It's what makes Britain Great!!!!

                                                 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Owain Glyn

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