No way Jose!

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Btw there is a moderate sex reference in this part. I didn't really plan it, it just came out like that. I just thought I'd warn you because I usually get uncomfortable when I read impure stories 😂.

Carson's POV

"It's so adorable that you dedicated a song to me!" Jordyn gushed.

"Well you are my girlfriend and I love you so much," I told her. She smiled and leaned in for a kiss. 


Suddenly the doorbell rang. "Sh*t!" Jordyn fell off the couch. We both hastily picked up the clothes that were scattered around. I quickly slid my shirt on and was still buttoning it when I opened the door. To  my surprise, it was two police officers, a man and a woman. 

"Are you Carson Lueders?" the man asked.

"Yeah," I replied anxiously. Did I break the law?! Am I going to get arrested?! If I did that would be so bad for my publicity! You know how the haters are 😒. I desperately tried to think of a reason as to why they were here.

"I'm Officer Brown and this my colleague, Officer Nicolette." 

"If your busy we can come at a later time," Officer Nicolette eyed us. Jordyn's hair looked like a blonde mess and the strap of her top had slid off her shoulder. I also looked equally crazy and the top three buttons on my shirt were still undone. 

"No, it's fine," I blushed a bit, "Come in." They came and sat down.

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news but there is something we need to tell you," Officer Brown said grimly. Jordyn took my hand, we were both too sacred to say anything.

"Do you remeber Cassandra Reece?" Officer Nicolette asked. Well how could I f*cking forget?! Don't worry I actually say that, although that's what I was thinking!

"Yeah, why?" 

"Well..." Officer Nicolette looked at Officer Brown, "She has escaped juvenile." 

"What?!" Jordyn exclaimed. I was too shocked to say anything. How could this happen? That girl has left me traumatised and now she's escaped?! No way Jose!

"But she wouldn't come for us, would she?" I asked hopefully.

"Well, we're not really sure but be extremely cautious and vigilant until we find her," Officer Brown advised us. 

"Well thanks for telling us," Jordyn said and walked them out. Once they had left she sat down and put her arm around me. "Don't worry baby, it's fine," she said soothingly. I sighed and let her rest her head on my shoulder. "I really hope so J."

Jordyn, it is not fine! Cassandra is looking for Carson! If only I could come in an angel form and tell them that lol. Well since it's my story I actually could but I'm evil so I won't 😂.

Until next time and may the force be with you...

I Kidnapped Carson Lueders 2: Return of CassandraWhere stories live. Discover now