Woke up

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"Ugh what happended" you look around and see that your in a completely dark room and cant see but there is a platform on theground therefore you can walk. "Woah!" Your being pulled by somevery thin strings
"I cant move what the hell is going on!"you scream "WeLl YoU aRe A gLiTcH, AnD i TeRmInAtE gLiTcHes"steps forward as some short skeleton in a black and red hoodie and strings coming out of his fingers "you cant just go around hurting people and maybe even we become friends?" The dark skeleton drops you and you hit the ground face first "ow! What the heck im trying to be nice and i get dropped on my face!" You yell at whatever it is you still can see. "Wwwwwwellll iiGuess We CoUlD BeCoMe fffriEnDs" "no" said another voice. Your eye sight suddenly cones back to you you see two skeletons and one looks like an artist and the well......he looks lazy and argry at the moment.

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