Chapter 2

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A/N The main character, the girl with the butterfly knife, she is 14, and you'll find out her appearance and name later, Hope you enjoy the story, be sure to check out my others as well!!!

I looked around nervously, I couldn't see anyone, although I thought I saw a bit of movement behind a car up ahead. As I near the car, my walking slows, and I hold my breath without realising it. 

A teenager, maybe 15, walks out from behind the car. His face didn't exactly look human, his skin was rough looking and unnaturally white, his eyes were round, and unblinking, with what looked like black burn marks around them. His Iris's were a faded sky blue, and they looked irritated. His hair is charred black, and his mouth is twisted into some meliscious grin, that I know notice has been carved into his cheeks, making his mouth look large. I didn't pay much attention to what he wore.

I stared in shock at the boy.

"Now, don't you think it's a little late for a beautiful girl like you to be walking alone?" He said in a husky tone, and he smirked. I didn't respond, I didn't know how to, I just stared open mouthed at the boy, and that's when I reconized him.

I'd been reading a creepy pasta about a guy named Jeff The Killer, and the boy standing infront of me matched the description perfectly! But I thought they were only stories, short horrors to make you stay awake all night. But here in front of me stood Jeff.

"Holy shit!" I mouthed.

He cocked his head In reply, "I'm sorry, I didn't quite get that!" He chuckled, a dark and menacing sound.

"L-leave me a-alone!" I mumbled.

"Oh?" He questioned walking towards me slowly, "why?"

He giggled quietly to himself and rushed at me, pushing me off the side walk and into the bush. He pinned me against a tree out of sight from the road. Then a strange look crossed his face as his eyes looked me up and down.

"what happened?" His voice low and charming, he asked with his face close to my shoulder. He was much stronger than Tim, and I could barely even wriggle my wrists as he held them above my head. My breathing quickened as he pressed up against me, there was no way I'd be able to free myself. "Oh, it dosnt matter!" He said looking me directly in the eye, with an all to familiar look. Lust.

Oh. Shit. I escape one, and find myself in the grasp of another.

He chuckled darkly and came closer to my face, I looked away, but with the hand he had resting on my hip, he grabbed my chin and kissed me roughly, biting down hard enough on my bottom lip that it bled. I gasped, and still tried to free myself.

He snickered at my weak attempts. My struggles were less frequent as I gave up hope. He started kissing down my neck until he got to my soft spot and bit me, leaving a love-bite, although, this killer did not love me. He was merely satisfying himself.

His lips trailed up my jugular and along my jaw until his lips met mine again. His hand no longer held my face and it trailed down my body to rest on my hip again. I kept my mouth firmly shut, but he stood on my foot, causing me to gasp, he smiled, taking this as his chance to slip his tongue in. He finally stopped, and just held me there, I had tears on my cheeks, and I didn't look at him. His hand went into his pocket and he pulled out a blood rusted carving knife. 

He held it at the corner of my lip, "my, you should be happy!" He smirked, "here, let me help you smile,"He pressed the knife against my skin and dragged it across my cheek into a strange half grin like his, except he only pressed hard enough for a shallow cut to be made.

I felt that his grip had loosened slight on my wrists as he prepared to leave a mark on my other cheek, though before he could I yanked a hand free and punched Jeff in the jaw.

He stumbled backwards, shocked. "Ah, FUCK," he yelled, and ran at me, I got my butterfly blade out and pointed it at him.

"I-I've used it b-be-before!!!" I said stuttering like always.

"Oh, have you now?" He smirked. 

He lunged at me and his knife left a cut on my arm when I stepped away, and my knife made contact with his blood-stained hoodie, but did no damage to him. 

It went on like this for what seemed like hours, and we were both panting, with cuts and bruises, I had managed to slice Jeffs left forearm quite severely, but he hadn't managed a good blow to me apart from a punch to the jaw. 

I was suddenly aware of two more people, they were watching hidden somewhere, but where I didn't know. Jeff cussed at me, then hissed, "I'll finish you another day, bitch!" He warned, before running away.

-Another Point of view(one of the people watching)-

"I'll finish you another day, bitch," I heard Jeff hiss before running off. I held back a snicker, and so did Hoodie as we watched the scene finish before us. 

"W-who's there?" The girl looks around, i notice Jeff had left one side of her face with a tracing of a grin with dried blood around it. She looked tired, and scared. She had a few small redish bruise-like marks down the left side of her neck, and one on her jaw. She had small cuts on her hands, and on her chest. Her black short sleeved shirt had a tear, and quite a bit of blood around the tear, on her stomach. Her jeans were covered in dust, and her mid-lenth black/brown hair was knotted. 

I looked at Hoodie, and he nodded. We walked out slowly, I trying to hold back my laughter.

"It's not everyday someone survives Jeffs attack!" I say proud, slightly proud at this girl. Her electric blue eyes were sparked with fear as she stared at us.

"Ha, and never have they left him damaged!" Hoodie laughed, so did I, It was true, Jeffs victims don't usually survive, and have never hurt him like that before.

I smirked, although no one would see that under my mask, "I know someone who'd like to meet you!"

-Main Characters P.O.V-

I stare at the two young men before me, one of them wore a white mask, with lips and eyes painted in black, and his brown fuzzy hair stuck out from behind it. The other had red eyes, like his whole eyes were red. And I couldn't see his facial features at all, and he had a beige hoodie pulled over his head. I was guassing he was also just wearing some sort of mask or material over his face, but it was hard to tell as it was dark.

When the one with the mask said he knew someone who'd like to meet me, I didn't know what to think. I just stared at them wide eyed.  I didn't trust them, considering all the guys I've come in contact with rather beat me, try to rape me, and now recently, try to kill me. So I was not going to trust to figures that just appeared out of know here and have their faces hidden.

I shook my head no.

"Our mind is made." The masked one said quickly.

Then the hooded one added, "you're coming with us," he said, no emotion in his voice, the masked one seemed slightly excited.

Then they jumped forward, grabbing a wrist each, and dragged me along with them. After about ten minutes I gave up trying to get away from these two, and just followed along.

I was terrified, where were they taking me? I wondered as we walked deeper into the forest.

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