Bundles of Joy

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"Oh, my poor baby... Will she be alright?", Ally asked with anxiety in her voice. She was still lying on the bed, completely exhausted, but consumed by worry.

The nurse raised her eyes from her newest patient and met Ally's eyes. "She's going to be just fine. Two or three stitches ... at the most."

"Stitches?" Ally shifted her position to try and get a better look.

"That's right", doctor Griffin assured her. "You'd be surprised at how often this happens. There's nothing to worry yourself about right now. It's the delivery of the placenta that gets them every time. See, she's coming around now." The doctor looked over at the gurney as their newest patient, Normani Kordei, started regaining consciousness after fainting dead away at the sight of the afterbirth.

"Now...", continued the doctor to Ally, "I have one more question I need to ask: Would you like to keep the placenta?"

Ally's face wrinkled up in distaste. "No thank you."

Movement to her left brought Ally's attention back to Normani who was, indeed, waking up. Unfortunately, she must have heard the doctor's question because she went white as a sheet and passed out again.

Before she could even think of rolling her eyes, a smiling nurse approached her, carrying two tightly wrapped bundles.

"They're all cleaned up and ready to meet their mommy", the nurse cooed.

She gently placed one baby after the other in Ally's arms and took a step back.

"Oh God, they're so beautiful." And they really are, Ally thought. She had seen other newborn babies and very often their heads were misshapen or their skin was a strange shade of yellow, (Harper wasn't, very much, but Amelia definitely was.) but her babies were perfect.

Their skin was a rich caramel and they both had little curly wisps of brown hair on their beautiful little heads.

One of the babies stared silently at Ally with big, slightly unfocused dark brown eyes - with gold specks swimming in them. She seemed to be studying Ally as intently as she was being studied.

Her brother on the other hand petulantly kept his eyes screwed shut, although Ally guessed he had the same beautiful eyes.

Her babies.

Now if her 'baby mama' would just stay conscious long enough to meet her children...


A brunette head peeked into Ally's hospital room almost an hour later, her smiling face lighting up the room as she took in the sight of the two wrapped bundles in Ally and Normani's arms.

"Hi guys," Camila greeted quietly, opening the door all the way and allowing the rest of their group to enter as well.

Ally smiled brightly at the sight of her family and friends. "Hi," she beamed.

"Get out of my way y'all, I gotta meet my god babies." Dinah, being behind the family of four, bellowed as she shoved her way through them, trying to get to the new lives in the room with a big smile.

Camila stumbled to the side at the impact and glared at her tall friend as Lauren helped her regain balance. "Jeez Dinah, lower your voice! They're asleep!"

Dinah ignored her as she looked at Normani and began laughing when she took in the sight of the stitches resting on the new mothers bare brow-bone. "Dang Mani - what happened to you?"

Normani rolled her eyes while her tiny wife answered for her with a fond smile and a coo as she cradled her daughter. "She fainted during the afterbirth."

For the Love of our Child (Camren)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt