Of Dolls and Dinah Jane

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Camila had just gotten out of her shower, happily enjoying the silence radiating throughout her home that Saturday morning. Quiet mornings with the girls preoccupied came far and few between in their household, with a nine year old and a two-almost-three year old. She cherished these few minutes of silence for as long as she could, turning her hair dryer on as she hummed quietly to herself.

"MOMMY!" Harper's screech resounded through the house as the sound of fast footsteps turned the corner and into Camila and Lauren's master bathroom, making her flinch.

The silence never lasts, Camila thought fleetingly as she turns off the hairdryer and turns to her distraught daughter.

Amelia was quick to speak up before her big sister, running to her mother and clutching her white robe, tugging on it and pleading. "I didn't do it mama!"

Camila looked down at her toddler, perplexed, then looked at her older nine-year-old daughter who was almost red with anger. "Didn't do what?"

"Look at what she did to my doll, mama!" Harper practically screamed, holding what was once a plastic replica of a young girl, complete with pink and frilly clothing, green glass eyes, and long locks of artificial brown hair, was now covered in mud. The poor nine year olds face was red and had tears pricking at her big green eyes.

Camila looked at the doll in shock for a moment before looking back down at the little girl who seemed to be trying to take cover in her robe. "Lia, baby, did you do that?"

"Yes!" Harper answered instead, stomping her foot. "She did!"

"Harper, I asked your sister." Camila replied calmly and retreated into her bedroom, sitting on her bed, and pulling her little girl onto her lap. "Amelia?" She said when the child kept quiet and instead focused on Camila's locket, engraved with a small 'LJ'. Inside were two photos: one of Camila and Lauren the day they met in kindergarten, and one of them on their wedding day.

Lia peeked up at her mother and sighed loudly, mumbling quietly. "It was by mistake."

"So you did do it?"

"I didn't mean it!" Lia whined, leaning back and covering her face with her small hands, sniffling behind them. "I was playing with it outside and it fell."

"I bet you she did mean it, mommy," Harper interjected, eyes narrowing at her sister. "She's been jealous of my doll for forever!"

"Have not!" Amelia screamed from Camila's lap, straight into her ear, causing her to wince and cover her ear.

Lauren heard the screaming from her office downstairs and quickly took the stairs two at a time, sensing her wife needed her. She slipped into the room with raised eyebrows, worry shining in her eyes. "What's going on here?"

Harper turned around to face her mother with a pout on her lips, pointing an accusatory finger at the child in Camila's arms. "Look what she did, momma!"

Seeing the stress her daughters were putting her wife under, Lauren swiftly intervened, moving towards her older daughter and gently wrapping an arm around her shoulders, "Harper, c'mon, why don't we go try to clean your doll and let Mama get dressed?"

Harper sniffled and looked up at her momma. "How are we 'apposed to clean it?"

Lauren walked over to Amelia and took her hand, helping her off Camila's lap and leading her back to Harper. "We'll figure it out." She looked down at her younger daughter. "Lia, don't you have anything to say to Harper?"

"Sowry Harper," Amelia sniffled once again and wiped her eyes with her free hand, clinging to Lauren tightly and resting her head on her pale arm.

Harper looked at Lauren, who was giving her a pleading look to just forgive the child, and sighed. "Its okay Lia."

For the Love of our Child (Camren)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن