What the fuck? I swear if it's Zayn I will...

My eyes shoot open and so did Cameron's. Clearing his throat awkwardly, I reach for my phone and stare at the screen.

Zayn Malik.

Zayn fucking Malik.

I swear I wanna just block him.

"If you'll excuse me." I say in full embarrassment and quickly walk away from the bench underneath a random tree, far enough for him to hear.

Hesitantly, I pick up the call.

I swear I am going to end this.

I slide my finger through the screen and shouted, "What?!"

"What the fuck are you doing?! It's almost eight now why aren't you home?" He screams from the other end.

"I can be wherever I want and since when did you start keeping tracks on me and since when am I not allowed to stay out later than eight?! You're not even my mom, why are you so sensitive all of a sudden?" I shout as anger rushes through me.

He isn't just acting like he thinks he's actually someone who's important in my life but he ruined my moment with Cameron. I will not let him do this.

I hear him take a deep breath from the other end and with a stern and deep voice, he warns me, "You are not allowed to go out with some other guy that you don't even know. It's fucking dangerous and you better go home now or I'll come and get you, drag you back to my bed and fuck you just like you want it."

I uncontrollably start biting my lip.

This guy is despicable. He can still joke about this in the middle of a fight?

Okay, Aimee. Listen up. You have Cameron now. This guy who's on the phone with you right now, is crazy. He's mad at you for not being home at eight and it's great if you end this thing you have with him right now before Cameron finds out then truly, you and him can't take things to the next level anymore.

"I'm not doing anything you're saying, Zayn. I think it's time we should end this... This... thing we have, whatever you call it. No strings attached, remember? And our deal was that it's gonna end once we find someone else and I found someone else, maybe... You should too..." Before I can finish, the line ended.

What? Did he hear what I said? Or did he not?

Argh, dammit.


I exhale a deep breath once I shut the door behind me.

Today has been EXTREMELY exhausting. Excluding the fact that I only had like two hours of sleep because of last night with Zayn...

Oh my god, Zayn!

"Fuck." I whisper and reach for the light switch.

I flip it down and walk towards my couch when I find a figure sitting on it.

Reacting, I scream.

"Holy sh- Zayn?"

What the hell is he doing in my house?

And dressed in all black gosh I'd think it's a funeral he's attending.

And now I'm forgetting the fact that I just ended our deal a few hours ago.


I fix my hair a little as he stares at me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, trying my hardest to sound calm but obviously I'm failing.

My eyes travel down from his eyes to his lips and I uncontrollably start licking my lips until he says, "Your place is shitty."

Um... What?

"Excuse m-"

"Move in with me."

Those words strike me hard.

Am I a deaf? What is this?!

"What are you talking about?" I raise an eyebrow, "I'm not gonna move in with you and why even should I?"

He stands up from his position and walks slowly towards me with his signature smirk on his face.

"Your place is shitty. You should be glad I'm even letting you in my house."

What the fuck?

"Well lemme tell you something. At least this 'shitty' place is mine. You've been here tons of times years ago so why are you being so judgmental now? Oh wait, I forgot our friendship ended years ag-"

And then something happens.

Before I can even finish my whole rant.

He kisses me.


Argh!! I'm so sorry that this chapter is so freaking shitty. It's kinda rushed because I've been working on a new book which I know will be much better than this one so please forgive my shitty writing in this chapter.

But on the bright side... I'm publishing the new book soon and I really really CAN'T WAIT for you guys to read it!!

A hoe 👸🏼

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