Meeting The Team

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Heyo, hope you guys like this chapter. thought you guy want to know that the characters I'm going to use are Rossi, Morgan, Hotch, Reid, Gideon, Garcia and JJ.

And also English isn't my first language so cut me some slack about the spelling and I am also trying out a new writing style to see how it works. And remember I like comments because then I know what to improve on.

Spencer's POV


As soon as I walked through the door I felt 5 sets of eyes on me.

Gideon interrupted the silence by saying that I was the new member of the team.

I took that as an invitation to start talking.


Third person POV but Reid's point of view


"My name is Spencer Reid"

Gideon then said " Dr. Spencer Reid"

By the look on their faces it seemed that they were quite surprised by the title.

"So Spencer how old are you?" asked a huge buff guy who I presumed to be Morgan.

" I prefer to be called Reid." I said nervously "and I am 22."

"22? And you work here, I thought that there was an age limit!" Morgan remarked.

"There is, but the rules were bent for Dr. Reid" Gideon said with an emphasis on the Dr.

"So kid, let me see if I got this right, you're only 22 yet already a doctor?" Morgan asked

" Ya, you got it right." I said

The whole time this was happening the other people in the room just sat there with shocked looks on their faces.

"What field is it in?" asked a old Italian looking man

" I've got PhD in mathematics, chemistry, engineering BAS in psychology sociology." I said nervously.

Everyone in the room immediately became quiet once they heard what I said.

Gideon was the one to break the silence.

"Why don't we introduce ourselves?" he said. "Why don't you start Morgan?"

"Okay, well, my names Derek Morgan but I would prefer I you called me Morgan."

Next was a blond girl.

"Welcome to the team, my name is Jennifer Jarue but everyone calls me JJ.

She was followed by a older Italian man.

"My name is David Rossi but you can either call be David or Rossi"

Then there was another blond but this one was dressed a lot more colorfully.

"First of all I must say that you are the cutest thing I have ever laid eyes on"

This made my face turn pink.

"But back to the point my name is Penelope Garcia but most people call me by my last name." she continued.

"I guess that means that you've met everyone."Hotch said.

"Morgan would you do the honors of showing Dr. Reid around the place?" asked Gideon.

"Sure, no problem" replied Morgan.

We walked out of the conference room and almost immediately I was asked a question.

Boy, this was going to be a long day. I thought to myself.

Read and REVEIW!!!

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