First Impressions

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Spencer's POV


It was a typical morning. I was awoken by the sound of my alarm as well as the annoying sounds of morning traffic. I turned toward the right so that I could see my alarm clock, it read 5:20. Although I wondered to myself why wake up this early? I reminded myself that it would not be good if I came late to my first day at work. I got out of bed and headed toward the shower.

By the time I got out it was 5:45 giving me 45 minutes until I was due so that gave me 10 minutes for getting changed 15 minutes to have some coffee and 5 minutes to make sure I have gotten everything leaving 15 minutes to get there although it only takes a maximum of 10.

As soon as I got to the building I saw Gideon outside. I walked up to home and asked why he was there so he replied that he was here to escort me upstairs. He also told me that none of the team members were here yet as they were all due at 7:00. I asked home why he had told me to come so early and he answered by saying that be wanted to get me ready to meet everyone.

We walked into the lift and Gideon pressed level 6. During the elevator ride there were no words spoken. But as soon as we stepped out he took me for a quick tour saying that he would asks another member of the team to take me on a detailed one later.

When the our was over the clock said that we had 20 minutes until everyone was here. Gideon showed me to his office.

Inside he told me a little bit about the team members. Aron Hotchner preferred to be called Hotch and he was also the current unite chief. Jennifer Jaru was called JJ by the rest of the team was the media leason. Derek Morgan Jo preferred to be called Morgan was the BAUs tough guy, Gideon also told me that although he looks like a jock he most likely wont heart me and that he likes to give nicknames. We didn't get any further as there was a knock at the door.

Gideon got up and opened the door a man walked in. He was fairly tall and was wearing a suite without a single crease. His face was stern and emotionless. He walked in and greeted Gideon with a handshake. Gideon then told this man to sit down next to me.

As he approached Gideon told him that I was the new agent the was joining the BAU. The man held out his hand and introduce himself as Hotch. I did a slight wave at him and introduced myself as Spencer Reid. But as soon as those words left my mouth Gideon corrected me by saying Dr. Spencer Reid. Hotch looked rather surprised by the new information that he had to repeat it to himself.

He then turned to Gideon and said that Everyone was here. Gideon paused for a moment before telling Hotch to get everyone ready in the conference room. After that Hotch left.

After 5 minutes Gideon told me that we would be heading to the conference room so that I could be introduced to the rest of the team.

We entered the room, Gideon ahead of me. As soon as I saw the people I new that I was going to be introduced to new things as well as people and being socially awkward was not a good thing not to mention that they'll probable second guess me because I am only 22 years old.

I walked into the room and there sat 5

other people.


Hey Guys hope you like this. I really need comments ( good or bad ) in anything I can do to improve or just telling me that I should continue so if I don't have more that 2 comments or 3 reads then I'm not going to continue because I'm not going to spend my time in something that no ones enjoying.

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