Spa time! and odd dreams revealed

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  ( A/N: OK! quick A/N i wanted to just say, i thought i was doing really bad in this story so i didn't have motivation, since i got no feedback, or people asking for more, but yesterday morning, my morning was made a lot greater as i saw a girl say to update, cus she likes this story! Asking me is no problem! i always~ wanna hear from anyone who reads my stories, not only this one, i got others, i will make a little thing at the end of this Chapter so you can check out a few~ anyways i wanna thank for commenting! i really felt happy someone likes this story so much as to ask for an update, ^^ true i kinda didn't update for me feeling this was bad, but i love this, i get supper happy! anyways, Thanks again Animelover12~! this chapter and the next will be for you since i love you so much! ON TO THE STORY!)
( Yumi's P.O.V)
" I know, but will she be alright?" i asked Conrad, right now Gisela-Chan was helping me because i fell back after the little girl attacked me and it seems i may have sprained my ankle in the process " Yumi Heika, i don't know as of now but worry about your health a lot more than that girl, we will take care of it, " he said, " he has a point your Majesty" Gisela said, i only pouted the rest of the day went by un eventful, the next day however the next day it was decided we would go out and go to a spa like place " This is soooo much fun~! " i giggled as we were on the ship on the way to where it was held, " OK Yumi Heika calm down no need to get THAT excited about the-" Konrad tried to say but i cut him off " I know that, I'm just happy," i said smiling and i turned hearing puking sounds and i face palmed " Wolfram, if you were gonna get sea sick, you shouldn't have come along," i sighed out as he glared at me, then returned to the side of the ship to puke once more ' just why did HE have to insist to come along in the first place? he knows he gets sea sick, that idiot, but i love that idiot,' i sighed as i thought that but my train of thought was broken as Konrad asked " Your Majesty, i was wondering, why do you have such a big luggage up here with you?" i smiled sheepishly and opened it, by this time Wolfram felt well enough to see too " well you see....." i opened it and they were both surprised, well, Konrad was amused " how did you get the guards to let you take her out?" he asked and i said " i just told them that i would like Mother daughter bonding time with her, plus she so young, she must have a reason to have tried to attack me." i said as i looked at the sleeping girl " Are you crazy Yumi?! how can you just bring her along!?" Wolfram yelled, of course... " well its not like she will attempt anything again, plus i....i know i have seen her from somewhere, i just wanna know from where, maybe she holds some clue, i mean i saw her in some dream i had before i met you guys anyways, so i wanna know why. plus look at how sound asleep she is." i said and at that moment Konrad checked and informed us to take her inside because she was sick, we did so and took care of her, it took a while but she soon woke up " oh, hello little one ( A/N: ok this is just what i say to any little kid even if i know their name, and i just say it, don't judge ;w; ) are you feeling better?" i asked her, she didn't respond and i pouted then smiled " you need anything? or what's your name?" i asked, and again no answer and then i noticed a name on her arm, then proceeded to ask if that was her name, she ended up flipping out and saying no " No! it was my mothers name! " she yelled, then that was when i tried to help her up, then, all at once, answered flowed into both of us, not only making her healthy again from being sick, that's when i saw why i saw her in my dreams......
i at one time knew her mother briefly back when i was home.  

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