the fight i wish i never won

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  (wolfram's P.O.V)
" we are practicing all night! no breaks!" i yelled at Yumi, as the night before the match." if you fail tomorrow i won't forgive you." " are you A: forgetting i am a sword fighter and B: it also partially your fault Elizabeth-chan is here!" she replied and i narrowed my eyes a bit " What?!" " shes your betrothed! and you dumped her like that!" " shes just a child hood friend" i replied, " oh really? then why did you slap her cheek?" i stood silent for a while and after i replied " i forgot." " you forgot? are you sure it isnt cus you really love her?" she replied sarcastically and i death glared her " i'm not in the mood for games!" " s-scary..... but still you two have to make up!" and for once i was a bit speechless but we kept practicing until the morning of the fight, though i looked mad i was worried about Yumi, shes great with her sword but against Elizabeth she has barely any some point in the fight yumi decided to try and forfeit! Oh heck no! Why would she!( Yumis p.o.v)Anyone can see I'm no match for Elizabeth in this fight...." She's more beautiful than me anyways so I should just forfeit the match. So I decided to back up to the border line till I felt a sword at my back and he say " consider your life lost if you forfeit " I know that was Wolfram , ugh guess I'll try, we continue to fight and Elizabeth brings out the final move while my sword is far from me and wolfram interjected "o-onii-chan?! Don't tell me your protecting her?!" Elizabeth yelled and I frowned "I had no intention to come in but if the queen is in trouble then I have to protect this wimp." When wolfram said that I attempted to stand but what Elizabeth said next made my breath hitch and I wanted an answer. " wait....don't tell love her do you? Onii-chan?" and he remained quiet, which only angered her more. " why her?! im your betrothed! not her! if i can't have you, then no one will!" and so they both started to fight and i tried to stop them, they shouldn't fight like this! and i blacked out.
once i woke up, i was on Elizabeth's lap, i sat up " oh! sorry, i guess i lost huh? well you are better for him anyways." " no, you won, i can't love him, i turned my sword on him, so i can't. so please take great care of my brother ok?" " e-eh? what?" i questioned, and wolfram appeared behind me " that means she is ok with our engagment~" he said. and i sighed, well, it not that bad, but still, why did i have to win?...  

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