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Standing on the ledge, the weight of his heart pulls him over, and the soft morning breeze turns into turbulence. "Who needs friends when you are your own worst enemy," he says as the wind blows through his hair and he plummets as the sun leaps through the sky, his arms reaching for the falling green pill he dared to chase on the way down.

"What is success without fulfillment?? and what is fulfillment without happiness?" They said he was selfish, but to excuse himself from the cold and lonely world around him. There couldn't be a more noble way. The shiny green pill plummets toward the ground below, barely within his grasp. They say it's the cowardly way, but they wouldn't do it. God wouldn't like it, but how could God punish a man for leaving the sick world he created. He trails the pill past a series of long windows.

In his first reflection, he sees himself as a young boy, standing behind him is his drunken mother, yelling the insults he could hear through the wind. A tear flies upward as he can once again feel the cigarette burns and paper cuts on his arms and shoulders. He sees the scars mentally and physically which vanishes through the wind.

In another reflection, he sees a himself as a teen. Alone and angry, behind him stands his demons, all dressed in black, they whisper the negative thoughts in his ear that has been haunting him his whole life.
In his final reflection he sees himself as he is, upside down, wind blowing through his blonde hair, behind him are the same demons, all dressed in black but now with big grins on their faces as is signifying victory. He finally catches the pill, his demons dissipating into oblivion as he swallows its smooth edges. Hands form from the clouds above, which descends to catch him, and before he reaches the ground, there's a white flash.

White all around him, he looks up with blue eyes as a man in white grabs him, pulls him up gently and holds him in his arms. In a reflection, a baby is crying, a new world awaits him, and the old life dies for him to start anew in his mothers arms.

Tales of the PiLLzOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora