chapter 6 6 monthes later

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Meshon POV

So me and maria are certainly going out and I love her so much she gives good ass head and she is sexy and I live for her and we live together and so back to the story " maria I said u have to have lessons if u want to now how to speak my language " she came running down stairs and I slapped her ass and she stopped and kissed me I lived this girl " OK let's get started --  ùngue-- means love --feslfla-- means shoes --snatha mardis ubgs--means I hate u and can we finish later " maria said yes and we went up staries and she through me on the bed and pulled my pants down and she licked my clit and I was moaning her name so loud and she stuck a her hole hand in my pussy tell I came everywhere then it was my turn so I ate her pussy the fastest I could and stuck my hand in her pussy and would not stop even if she was begging I kept going for an hour by then the hole bed was wet and we put on some white loses bootyshorts and and half shirt and went to the beach and I sawll a carnival and wanted to go I love this girl so much  I decided to star beating on her to let her know I love her but don't get comfortable and just to let you know everyone else died

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 04, 2016 ⏰

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