Dragon Fire (1/2)

Start from the beginning

'What is it then?' asks Haylis with her face pressed against a window.

'Riots, most likely, as reported by the Ink Scouts. Too many scared people in one place.' Kathanhiel says as she climbs down. 'A shame. I'd hoped that...'

'Kastor was going to tell you that he's staying no matter what.'

I briefly consider roleplaying Arkai and telling Haylis to mind her own business.

Kathanhiel smiles. 'Perhaps I was foolish to suggest the ferry in the first place.' She comes close and takes my hands in her own. 'Are you certain? Our road ahead will be...hurtful, and you may be asked to give more than you could.'

Don't know what to say don't know what –

'I-I want t-to stay with you anyway.'

'Why? Because there's no longer a choice?' she asks.

'I won't run away when you're still here. I'll not be Talukiel.'

'But your hands tremble so.'

'They do what they want.' Shaking my head like a tambourine doesn't make the stutter go away. 'But I've made my decision and you can't make me leave – I mean, you can but – I'd p-prefer that you don't.'

'What will you do when the dragons come?' she asks.

There's only one answer to that – the only one I can allow myself. 'I don't know.'

Her fingers, so smooth and strong, give my hands a firm squeeze. 'I do. I chose you for a reason, Kastor.'

That night, the dragons come.

Kathanhiel, who has sat on the roof since sunset, suddenly calls out, 'Haylis! HAYLIS!'

She comes running out of her room in a lacy nightgown. 'What is it? Are they here?'

'Tell the little giants that they're not to stop, no matter what.'

Ah, finally. My cuirass, my sword – they're right here, already warm from being hugged close.

'Kastor, fetch my bow, then bring over every barrel of water we have.'

Moving. Barrels – no, bow first. It's in her room. Here it is, leaning against her table and already strung, which is a relief; those steel sinews are beyond my strength. The bow is solid obsidian and heavier than a suit of armour – how strong must she be to use this?

Wait, where are the arrows? Where are they?

Have-have I even packed arrows? They weren't in the quartermaster's list of inventory. That means -

Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no.

'Kastor, my bow!'

What do I say what do I say what do I say what do I say what do I say what do I say what do I say –

'I-I can't find the quiver! I must have left it some-some-no I forgot to-this is not happening –'

'I don't use arrows. Just bring the bow, hurry!'


I run out, shove the bow out through the roof hatch, and proceed to hunt down those pesky barrels with renewed vigour.

Water barrels. At the back, in the room with the horses. By the Maker these are heavy – come on you measly biceps; now's the time to show off, not in front of a mirror!

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