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Lou  pov

"Kaitlyn?" I said half mindlessly, looking at the screen.

"No it's Maria"

I glance over at him

"You're three seconds away from getting decked."

He took a step back and chuckled

"Okay daddy you ready to get your girl" he said slapping me on the back while he walked out the door.

"Yes but don't say that. It's weird" I scrunched my face up while I followed him.

He stopped at the entrance, looked back at me and smiled

"Okay daddy" he winks at me and continues on his walk.

"Hey remember that ass beating we talked about earlier, do you want too revisit that conversation?" I followed him at the room.

After what seems like forever

I see the door, the door that insides continues everything important to me. Am I ready to do this? Does she even wanna see me? I mean it's because of me she's in here. She's probably gonna hate me forever. She-

"Yo daddy, um you good? You ready, we kinda don't have all day"

I clench my fist. Interrupting my train of thought, and being weird.

"You really need to stop. Or you're not gonna get paid."

"What you mean you already paid me?"

Is this kid serious?

"No dumbass the rest of the money."

He just nods. Not so funny now is it?

"Well put the key in"

He does as he's told

Kaitlyn's pov

"Well put the key in" I hear

Is that Lou? No it can't be. Why would he care. I've been in here god knows how long. He doesn't care. I can't be saved, no one could save me now.

The door opens, to my actual surprise.

I see two figures, kinda looks like angels because the room is dark and that hallway, is rather bright.

One is unshaven, and one is kinda cute.

"KAITLYN" I hear a very familiar voice say


The unshaven figure runs towards me.


Next thing I know I'm wrapped in a big hug and my eyes haven't fully adjusted... but they don't have too.

"Lou?" I say
Not actually sure what to say, or do, or react so I just stand there, engulfed in his hug.

He moves his face so he can see me.

"Yes it's me, are you alright?"

HA. Well define alright

"I'm fine.... but you need to leave... if my dad sees you he'll-"

"I'm your dad, that guy there? Is a monster. The only one getting hurts is him"

"No no you're not understanding he-"

I hear something drop... I look behind Lou

It's that kinda attractive guy. And looks like there is a pool of something around him. I look above him, there's my dad and he's Holding a knife.


So I apologize again for the late update

I've been busy with school, and life.
Senior year

Most stressful year man

I've been dealing with drama, tests, essays.

So here's a little something something for ya

I've also been slow because I'm not ready for this book to end.

It's my baby
I've been working on it since I was in eighth grade.




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