The Doll maker

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Cream colored walls basked in sunlight protruding from the bow window that was occupying a generous amount of space. Nearby it, a crimson chaise lounge that presumably, from the placing of it, appeared to be used for one that desired a suntan but preferred not to go outside. A dining table was centered near the entrance of the room with a vase filled with a dozen yellow daffodils. Overhanging was an elegant yet traditional crystal chandelier. However, the object most noticeable was the king sized bed. With an ivy green headboard, turquoise canopy and pure white duvet the room gave off the feeling of life. Unfortunately the cadaverous young girl within it said otherwise.

"She's only six years old"

I picked at a bit of paint under my nail. "My condolences"

"We'll pay as much as you want...Just bring her back, healthy" The women's vacuous voice held no emotion as she avoided even so much as a glance towards her daughter. My latest clients have informed me that my subject is going to die sometime this year. Early into August doesn't give this girl much time. Or me to finish. It'll be difficult to create what this petite young girl would look like without her condition but the pay is lavish. I placed down my case. "I'll need to do some sketches and measurements preferably alone if you would please" I stated. My eyes shifted to the caregiver after getting no response, who was fiddling with her ring on her withered finger. I started to feel my heartrate pickup. I cleared my throat until the woman lazily lifter her eyes and sighed. I felt my eye twitch as my patience started to slip. "It is important that my requirements are met with the utmost attention but judging from the grey on your hairline I'll assume you couldn't hear so I will repeat: Get out while I do my job." The woman's eyes went so wide I almost though they would pop out of her sockets. As blood rushed to her face she started making a series of flabbergasted huffs each looking like she was about to speak but had no words. At the last most exaggerated one she left the room, the clanking of her heals ebbing away. I felt my breathing slow and my pulse return to normal after that obnoxious lady left. Looking around the room I couldn't see anything out of place, no dust or any kind of sense that someone lived here, it was almost as if time stopped. Taking out my canvas I took a seat by the young girl and started sketching. I replaced her hollowed out cheeks for full ones, drew smooth lips in contradiction to her cracked ones, and added weight on her body and life to her skin colour. "Perfect" I muttered as I placed the last bit on blush to her cheeks. After placing my last pencil in the foam cut out I closed my case and started to leave. The woman was waiting at the bottom of the stairs, the closer I got the more I noticed how darker her hair looked. "This will suffice" She promptly concluded after looking at the drawing for less than five seconds. She opened the walnut double doors but held her hand out. My stomach churned looking at her wrinkly skin. With a sharp shake I quickly left.


Recently I got a phone call from my newest client enlightening me in the very charismatic way that she does that the expected finished product is to be delivered in two months. I've had to change my timetable to dedicate more time to carving the porcelain and making the right measurements resulting in an increase in my prescribed medication to help me cope with my new routine change. As I finished making the body I took a step back to examine my work. However it seemed someone else noticed a flaw before I could spot it.

"My shoulders are uneven, could you fix it please?"

At that moment it seemed everything came to a halt as I stared at the child-sized doll in front of me.

"Hello. We met yesterday in my bedroom, do you remember?" A dulcet voice spoke from it.

I glance at the shoulders noticing a slight difference in them then focused back at the doll. I must've imagined it, this cannot be real. Unblinking, I watched the doll's head tilt. Shooting off my chair I tripped over my carving equipment and started hyperventilating. Oh fuck. My heart felt like it was about to burst through my ribcage. I dragged myself across the tiled floor clutching my chest. My vision started to blur. Calm down, calm down, breathe...Just breathe. Nothing was helping, I suddenly felt like my stomach hit my throat as I gagged and shook uncontrollably. Yet, during my disarray, the dulcet voice spoke...No, it sang. The melody washed over my soul like a river over stone and the lyrics carried my spirit to worlds beyond my own and I felt peace.

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