Author's Note

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So; just a very quick Author's Note. It's Not Important, so you can skip if you don't want to know this. This also adds in how to create Requests, just a real quick thing. For your information.


So, if you'd like to make in a request, you must follow these simple rules and instructions;

1) Add In Your Or The Name You Wish To Be Called

     a) Tell me what you'd like the name to be, I must have that in order to create this Imagine. If you do not want to be called any name, you can just say (Y/n), or Your Name. 

2) Say What Point Of View You Want It To Be In

     a) Tell me either 1st, "I" or "We". 2nd, "You". 3rd, "He" or "She". This must be included, I need it for part of the Imagine as well.

3) Setting

     a) To almost complete the Request, you must tell me where it is held at. A few examples, if you don't have any ideas, are ; "Concert" "Park" "Carnival" and such as. I have to have this as well, please include it.

4) Scenario

     a) A scenario is a written outline, so you must tell me how everything is going to play out. If you'd like it as a surprise, tell me and I'll decide. This does not have to be in your Request, but I suggest it.

5) Tell Me This

     a) Add in whether or not you'd like Sam Golbach, Colby Brock, or Devin Hayes into it, I'd be happy to do any for you. This does not have to be added into your Request.

Now you know how, so you can either comment in the paragraph above titled 'REQUESTS' or you can direct message me. Thanks!

Now I need to tell you how I decide on how to write these. I either write it on paper (which is what I do for my books), or do my own little thing.

I write Names, Point Of View, Setting and Scenario of each on a piece of paper, then cut them out and fold the slips. I put each in a different bowl and draw one from each bowl. I go on from there. I have yet to try it, but it should be very fun. 

That's all! 

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