Chapter 1

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Ugh....If I have to sit through this stupid class any longer I think I'm gonna scream. I knew I should of skipped with Jamar today when he ask,but no I have to sit in this class so I can pass. "Pssst Justice"..I hear my name being called I look over and see it Jamar. He wave me over to the door I raise my hand and ask if I can go to the bathroom. I leave the class and go over to Jamar. " hey was up why you here" I ask him. "I thought maybe you can leave this dumb place and come chill with me and James... He having a whole bunch of girls over and the chow, you in or nah". I just stand there wondering should I go. Then I look at Jamar and say " yeah let's go fuck this dumb school". So we leave the school and head over to James place. When I walk in it clouds of smoke in the air,then I see one little baddie just sitting there by herself. I go over and try to talk to her I mean she be dumb if she turn somebody down like me. Like who wouldn't want somebody as fine as me well thats what all the girls tell me. I go sit down next to her and start talking to her I find out a few things about her like her name is Tina,she twenty-one which is way to old for me I'm only seventeen but then again when did I ever care about age,she also a stripper which i figure when I seen how big her butt and boobs were and the way she dressed. Soon after knowing her we head to the back to James room. James gave me a rubber and told me to wear this you never know what that hoe might have. So I took it and went in the room,she start to undress and so I slowly take off my shirt then she start to kiss me and rub me up and down. I pick her up and lay her on the bed,kissing and sucking on her neck. Two through three hours later she sleep I get up and put on my clothes I tell Jamar and James I'm heading home James offer me ride so I take it. James is like an older brother to me I look up to him when ever I need something he always got me he looks out for me like a real friend suppose to. "So how was she" he ask me. "Oh she was alright I had better" I say. Which is so true I had this one chick who was like twenty-four and boy was she amazing she was the best with the sloppy toppy. I don't know how many times she made me cam but she was great. "So how you doing in school,don't you wanna try out for basketball and stuff". " yea" I say "but I'm not that good in school I'm failing all my classes I don't think i will be able to". "Man don't give up on yourself you just need a little help you feel me. I don't want to see you on the streets like me I want you to have a better path for yourself so you can be something in your life and not just a drug dealer or gangster. Your still young and I see it in you". I know he means everything he's says but I don't know if I can do it I try and try but it just don't work. He is right though if I want to help my mom out I can't be out here selling drugs and going to jail. "Okay bro i'm going to  try I promise" I tell him. "Okay good, were here I see you tomorrow after school ok now be safe out here" he give me a couple stacks and pull off. I walk in the house to see my mom standing there waiting for me. "So where the hell you been" she says you can hear the anger in her voice "I was out with my friends" I tell her. "So your friends are important then school huh, so you can just skip class and school when ever you feel like it" she yells. "No bb-" she slaps me before I can say anything else."I don't want to hear no buts Justice I thought I raised you better than this I want the best for you and your future please I don't want you to be another one of those bodies on the street that you see dead on the news" she being crying you can hear the hurt in her voice. I give her a hug and tell her I'm sorry I'm trying she hugs me back and kisses my forehead tells me goodnight and that she love me and she heads off to her room to go to bed. I get something to snack on then go up to my room and go to sleep.

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