Chapter 2

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F! There it go in red ink a big fat red F. "Justice can you come over here for a second" the teacher called me over so I went. "As you can tell your failing my class and I think you need a tutor". What she got to be kidding me a tutor."Hell no I don't want no dumb ass tutor" I tell her. "Well not to be smart or anything justice but the tutor not the one who is dumb here just saying". Wow this bitch really calling me dumb ok that's cool." Ok what ever who my tutor" I'm so freaking frustrated. "Her name is Alshia ,she very smart and will be the best for you". Awee snap I'm gonna be working with a chick I hope she's hot eww but then again she said she was smart. "Ok thanks teach but I gotta go see ya".

"Yo Jamar you won't believe what my teacher told me today. "What she say your dumb ass failing". "Haha your funny but nahh it was kinda like that she did call me dumb and did say I was failing but nahh she giving me a tutor". " Damn bro a tutor you that fucking dumb, is it a girl or guy". "It's a girl the fuck I look like getting tutor from a guy ". I look at the time on my phone it's past twelve oh my god my mom gonna kill me. "Aye yo Jamar I see ya tomorrow ok". I started to run home till I saw some gang who doesn't like mine ."Shit " I say I don't feel like fighting right now so I try to just walk so they don't notice me. But then I here one of them call me. "Aye young blood come here" I keep walking straight acting like I didn't hear them. "Aye yo young blood I know you heard me now bring yo ass here or else". I hear his gun click back so I turn around and went to him "What do you want I gotta get home". "Aye you James little bro right like you part of his little gang right ". "And if I was" I say. "Yo don't get smart little man but we want you to give James something for us ok" he says it so curious I wonder what he wants me to give him. "What is it you want me to give him". I say curious." This" all the guys start kicking me,punching in my face,they kick in my back,jaw,ribs,stomach,balls then when they was done the leader put a gun up to my head and said "Now let James know if he ever try to take over my block again the same shit that happen to you is gone happen to him but he will die you got it" he throw my head back down to the ground. I try to get up it I'm in so much pain so I just lay there for a while. Then I hear a soft voice come over top of me. "Oh my gosh are you ok". It was girl she was pretty to she touch my face to see what was wrong with me her hands are soft. "I-im fine". I grunt trying to get up but the pain is so bad."Ahh" I yell still trying to get up. "Stop moving stay right there I'm gone to call an ambulance ok" her voice is so sweet I don't know it's something about her I never seen a girl like her before. "Hey don't worry about it ok I'll be fine" I say lying in pain. She looks  down at me. "No your not im calling ok". Wow she demanding but she still cute so I don't care. "What's your name" she ask me. "My name is Justice" I tell her. "Well hi Justice I'm Alshia nice to meet you". Her name why do it sound so familiar like I heard it before somewhere. The ambulance arrive she gets in the truck with me they ask me question but I just pretend I forgot what happen. "Alshia" I call her name." Yes" she answer back ." Can you text my mom for me and let her know I'm in the hospital" I know she worried as hell right now. "Yea can I see your phone" . "Uhh yea give me sec". I unlock my phone and pull up my mom contact and put everything else on lock so she won't see anything. "Here" she takes it "thanks". Thirty minutes past by and mom arrive at the hospital. "What the hell happen Justice" she says rushing to me. "Well hello to you to mom". "Justice don't play with me boy I don't have time for games". She really erks me I swear this women always complaining about everything like really. "I don't know what happen mom gosh". I roll my eyes." Boy don't play dumb with me I know you know what happen so don't try to play that whole I forgot shit, it was probably them stupid gang shit you be in now wasn't it". I just ignore her but then she slaps in my face. "What the fuck mom that shit hurt damn". She slaps me again." Boy don't you talk to me like that have you lost your damn mind and when I talk to you you talk back don't you ever ignore me the fuck wrong with you". "Um excuse me I'm gone to go home now my mom waiting for me I hope you get better soon Justice and see you ms" the sweet girl is leaving well Alshia is leaving . "Thank you see you ". Later that night we went home at six o clock in the morning my mom said I didn't have to go to school so I just slept the rest of the day away hoping that I see Alshia again.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2016 ⏰

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