Chapter 3

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Kyle shoved me harshly after I paused for a second. There in front of me, sat the biggest house I had ever seen. It looked... magnificent. Kyle pushed me up the front stairs, I stumbled every now and then. I heard Kyle mutter something under his breath about my clumsiness.

The other man, who had defused Kyle's anger, opened the door and led us inside. The inside of the house was just as grand as the outside. I felt my breath hitch. Ahead of us sat a staircase that split off two ways. I could see a huge kitchen from the foyer.

"Nice, isn't it?" The nicer one asked with a smile. Kyle walked ahead of me, shaking his head. I shuffled after him. Heck, I was sunk already, what did I have to lose? Other than my life, I mean.

"Alpha Carson?" Kyle called out. Alpha? Maybe these guys have some weird religion. Like monks... My thoughts trailed off, despite my predicament.

A growl snap me back to reality. At the top of the stairs, a lean man stood. His amber gazed locked on... me. Wait, me?

"Untie her. Now." He ground out. His voice sent shivers down my spine.

"But, sir. She'll try to escape. We found her on the-" Kyle shook his head.

"I said now." The man, also known as Carson, said in a deadly calm voice. Kyle rushed behind me, quickly ripping the zip ties from my wrist. I rubbed the red lines that ran along my wrists, glad to have feeling in them again.

Carson descended the stairs, his steps slow and precise. But he kept his eyes locked on me.

Kyle narrowed his eyes. "What's going on?" He asked the other man.

"Yes, please, someone explain what is going on here. You know what? I don't care. Just let me go and I'll be out of your hair." I crossed my arms defiantly.

Carson gave a charming smile. "Sorry no can do, mate." He now stood in front of me. To admit, I felt a bit woozy. But it was probably from the lack of sleep.

Kyle's mouth formed an 'O' now, then his teeth clicked together as he ground them. "What! She was trespassing on our terri- er, property!" He stepped closer to Carson. "She is also human." Kyle snarled.

Carson turned to Kyle, his body shaking slightly. "Kyle, get out now. Tyler and Sam, you too." He yelled. I flinched from the edge in his voice. The three men nodded and scurried out the door. Carson turned back to me, his eyes darkened then lightened back to a beautiful amber when he looked me over.

He stepped closer to me. "I know you feel it. Your human, but I know it. You feel it don't you?" He asked, his voice velvet soft. I felt like nodding. I wanted to tell him I felt it. The tingles that spread over me, the urge to rush toward him and never let him out of my sight.

Instead. "No. Your crazy. You and your group of monks." I backed up, against the pull. A look of confusion crossed his face, then hurt, before he composed himself.

With that, I dashed up the stairs. But I had only taken three steps before he had me against the wall, the breath knocked out of me.

I stamped my foot against the floor, "Stop doing that!" I muttered in annoyance.

Carson chuckled, "Funny, too. Your perfect." He murmured. God, his smooth voice was amazing! Before I realized it, he was kissing me. Kissing me! Can you believe it?!

What is wrong with me? Part of me was disgusted, another part of me wanted to stay like this forever... Then there was a weird part of me that noted that he tasted like mint. But that's not the point!

For a few seconds I instinctively kissed him back. I felt him smile against my lips. "Warming up to me already?" He whispered. That's when I drove my knee up, right into his crotch. His released me and doubled over.

If I were in a normal situation, I'd laugh so hard. But right now, I made a mad dash for the stairs. Something in me told me to take the left flight of stairs. So I took the right instead.

I don't trust myself...

I was now in a HUGE hallway. The was a door on the left, I opened it when I heard Carson's footsteps pounding against the floor, he was gaining on me, fast.

I slipped through the doorway and locked the door behind me. I ran to the other end of the large bathroom, my heart pounding.

Carson knocked harshly against the door. "Open the door!" He demanded. I could just picture his beautiful face, his amber eyes narrowed, perfect lips frowning.

"Oh, yes, I'll open the door. That way you can kill me! That's good thinking on your part." I yelled back, the sarcasm dripping from my voice. Now that I was safe, I felt the confidence leak back into my system.

"Kill you? I wouldn't kill y-" I heard him ask.

"Your just saying that so that I'll come out!" I retorted before he could finish. I sat down on the toilet, trying to calm myself. I had to assess the situation, try to find a way to get out. Above me, I spotted a window, If I stood on the toilet, I could open it. But then what? I was on the second floor!

"I'm going to break down the door..." He warned. I rolled my eyes, scoffing inwardly. No way he could break down that thick wooden door.

I heard a bang and twisted around to see Carson in the doorway, the door hanging off its hinges.

"Oh, um. Hi. This bathroom's taken..." I tried a small smile, hoping to defuse his anger. Needless to say, he still looked pissed.

*Author's Note* Hey guys! Sorry it took so long to write this chapter. I have to say, I love how it turned out. Now you guys get to see her sarcastic/witty/humorous side! Read, comment, and vote!

The Girl Who Stole The Alpha's HeartHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin