Meeting the Autobots

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As I wake up, I see that I am in a hanger type area and that I'm on a metal bed. I look around and see five robots and three teenagers watching me. I sit up and look around, wondering what happened. “ah good, you're awake” the red and white robot says and he nears me and scans me. “uh what are you doing?, who are you guys?, why are you all here?” I rattle off as the robot scans me. “I am scanning you to make sure that you didn't damage anything when The other questions, will be answered by Optimus Prime.” “oh um sure.” Just than, a red and blue robot comes closer to me and looks down at me. “We are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron also known as autobots. We are here to protect your planet from the Decepticons. I am Optimus Prime, the leader of the autobots, Ratchet is the medic, pointing the red and white autobot, Arcee, a blue and pink autobot, whose charge is Jack, Bumblebee, a yellow and black muscle car, whose charge is Raf, and Bulkead, a green and black autobot, whose charge is Miko.” Optimus says. “Why are you guys here instead of on your home planet?” I ask as I look up at him. “Because our planet is inhabitable, ravaged by eons of fighting.” “why were you fighting in the first place?” “For Energon, the life force and blood of both Autobots and Decepticons.” “That makes sense I guess.” Standing up, Optimus looks at me. “I will be your guardian while you remain with us.” “That's cool, but why you?” I say as Ratchet drops a wrench and turns to face Optimus. “You can't be serious, Optimus!” “I am serious, Ratchet” Optimus tells him. Sighing, Ratchet turns back to what he was doing. “And because I figured that Ratchet would not to be your guardian.” “Oh ok that's fine.” I say as I look at him. “Um, can I get down from here?” I say. Right after I say, Optimus puts his hand next to the medical bed and I step on and he lowers me to the ground.

Once I'm on the ground, this girl comes up to and starts asking me questions. “What's your name?, do you like to rock?, what things do you like to do for fun?, and oh I'm Miko by the way.” She says after wards. “Well, name's Rose. I used to like rock, but now I listen to country. I like to read anything and I write stuff like stories and poems a lot.” I tell her as I turn around to go up the stairs. “Why don't you like rock anymore Rose?” Miko asks me. “Miko, I think you should back off now.” Jack tells her. “no, Jack, I won't. So Rose why don't you like rock?” she asks again. I quickly turn around and I glared at her, “that is none of your business” I say with a hint of anger in my voice. Miko turns and looks at Jack, “Jack, tell me.” “uh...” he says. “Do not tell her, Jack.” I say quietly. “Her brother was killed and she and her mom still don't know who killed him.” Jack tells her. “I said not to tell Jack!” I say angrily and with that I gather up my power and shock him. “What the hell, Rose?!” Jack says to me. “That was just a warning, Jack. Do not tell anyone else at all! You hear?” I say. “Sure Rose. I won't tell anyone else, but um everyone here knows now including the 'bots.” I look at him aghast, “well, thanks for not mentioning that BEFORE NOW!!!!” and I storm off to calm down.

Jack's point of view

I watch Rose as she walks away to calm down. “What's with her, Jack?” Miko asks me. “Miko, when you're told to back off, you BACK OFF!” I reply angrily. “Jack, I was just curious.” “Rose is still very much upset over her brother's death and it doesn't help that there has no been leads as to who killed him.” I say. “Jack, please explain why she seems to have powers.” Optimus tells me as he looks down at me. “well, um...she's had that power for a long time. Even when she was adopted by her mom. She barely recalls who her biological parents are and what she does recall, her mom thinks is just fantasy.” I tell him. “What does she recall, Jack?” Optimus asks me. “She's told me that she was born on a planet called Cybertron and that her biological mother was pink and white and that her father was red and blue and also the leader of other 'bots.” I say. “oh shit, she was describing you, Optimus!” I tell him I realize what she meant. “By the Allspark, Rose is your daughter, Optimus which means that her actual name is Saphire moon” Ratchet says. “You are right, Ratchet. Which means I need to track her down and talk to her.” Optimus says and walks off in the direction that Rose took.  

Transformers Prime: Surprise book 1 of the Sparkmate seriesWhere stories live. Discover now