Let's Go!

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Green held Red until he stopped crying, he sadly looked into Red's eyes for a while to make sure Red was alright before he asked him what was wrong. Red sniffled and apologized for crying on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry Green, it's nothing. I just needed to see you and make sure you were alright." Red stated, he lowered his head as he wiped a tear from his cheek and he felt Green lift his head up again and look him in the eyes.

"You can tell me anything, you know?" Green smiled and made Red blush a little. 'I want to tell you that I love you.' Red thought, wait, why was he thinking THAT? He definitely doesn't have feelings like that for his best friend! Red thought about telling Green what happened in his dream and badly he felt after he woke up. He felt like he died inside after his dream about Green sitting in the town square of the town he loved, dead. Everything he loved, dead. His eyes began to water when he thought about it again. "I know!" Green suddenly exclaimed, Red looked up at Green. "We'll go on an adventure! We haven't done that in years!" Green grinned at Red. Red couldn't help but smile at the idea. 

Red packed up his things and grabbed his pokeballs. They flew to Viridian city so that Green could pack his stuff for their adventure. Red only had his Pikachu and his Aerodactyl with him  so he could capture new friends and train them to be strong like his pokemon he normally kept with him.

"Where are we going to go?" Red asked as Green was picking what pokemon he would take with him on their adventure. "Another region? Possibly Kalos? Or Unova?" Red sounded excited as he was speaking to Green. Red was talking more than Green had heard him in years, even when they talked on the phone he almost never talked. It made Green happy that his friend was this excited about an adventure with him. Green decided to take Eevee. Just Eevee. He would ride on Aerodactyl with Red to their destination. 

"How about we go to Johto and visit Gold and everyone else?" Green asked with a smile on his face when he left his house. 

I Love You, Don't You Get That? (Originalshipping Yaoi)Where stories live. Discover now