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Ayyyyyeee.....well sorry for not updating...Here's an extra long chapter!!!!

I was walking down the street to my house. When I got there I unlocked the door. All the lights were turned off...I turned on the lights and out jumps Trixie, Maggie and Sasha holding up a sign that said 'Prom??'  in big fancy letters.
I gasped...
"Yes!" I cried.
Sasha came up and kissed me and I kissed back. Trixie and Maggie were, of course, fangirling.
We broke from the kiss and we hugged. I smiled.
Trixie and Maggie bid their farewells while Sasha and I watched movies.
I fell asleep with my head laying on Sasha's lap and he fell asleep with his body laying over mine.
I woke up and yawned.
"Sasha..Sasha..Wake up..." I poked Sasha.
He wouldn't wake up.
"Sasha breakfast is ready.." I said.
"I'M UP!!!" Sasha yelled.
I snorted trying to hold in my laugh.
He playfully glared at me and started to break out laughing with me.
I smiled and got up, "I'll actually go make breakfast."
I went to the kitchen and made, eggs, toast and bacon. I poured some milk into two glasses.
"FOOD'S DONE!!" I yelled.
Sasha came walking in and he sat down. I sat down too and we both started to eat. There was silence. Not an awkward silence but a peaceful one.
We both finished and I put the dishes in the sink.
We walked to the couch and sat down.
"Sooo...What do you want to do today?" I questioned.
"...Hmm...How about...We go to the park!" He replies.
I nodded and okay and went to change.
I put a short sleved, gray T-shirt on, blue skinny jeans, my skater shoes and a beanie.
Sasha was already dressed so we headed outside to walk to the park.
We entered the park gates and eat on the swings.
I pumped my legs and swung high.
I felt like a kid again..No
I jumped off the swing did a backflip (yes I can do backflips.) and landed on the ground a little wobbly.
Sasha smiled and jumped off too.
We walked toward the money bars and I yelled, "Whoever can get across the monkey bars and back in less time gets to make the other do what they want!!"
"Your on!"
I went first and got 9.3 seconds.
Sasha got 9.4 seconds.
So of course I won! I got to boss Sasha around all I wanted.
I pulled out a maid outfit out of nowhere and made Sasha wear it. He also had to say hi to people.
Nyhehehehe..I know..I'm evil...
I videoed the whole thing and oh let me tell you it was hilarious. But what he didn't know is that I was going to post it on YouTube.


Well I'm suuuuuper sorry for not updating!
I just have been busy with school and all of that.
Again I'm really really really sorry. From the bottom of my heart❤💕💓💗💘♥


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