Matchweek 3, Part 1: vs East Dakota

Start from the beginning

Villanueva: Moreno, it is good for you to join us.

'You knew when I would be here. You scheduled the transport.'

Villanueva: Yeah yeah yeah. Hey. They're having some sort of North Mexican Reggae concert on the fourth floor. Let's check it out.

'How long are you guys going to be out tonight. We have a match tomorrow.'

Villanueva: Well what do you expect, we're in mourning.

Gallerne: Yeah because of you asshole.

Villanueva: Whoa easy there Frenchman.

Gallerne: SO that's what this is. You're the first.

'First of what. What are you talking about?'

Gallerne: You know damn well what I'm talking about rookie.

Villanueva: Easy, easy. Let's all sit down and relax for a minute. Zone out to the tunes of NK3.

Gallerne: North Kardashian is performing tonight?! Man We gotta get her in our VIP.

'First of what?'

Villanueva: Ok, rookie. Sit down, have a drink. Here's the deal. There's a superstition

Gallerne: A curse.

Villanueva: Whatever, it's not true.

'What's not true?'

Villanueva: They say that no Division 2 team that gets promoted to Division 1 can make it to the Premiership without selling at least half of their squad.


Villanueva: That's right. The investors are paranoid.

Gallerne: Yeah. Winning every single league match last season wasn't enough. Being the Undefeatable Diamond wasn't enough.

Villanueva: They don't care. Either way most of the team think that you're signing, Moreno, is the first of those transactions. Why Garcia was let go.

'But that's not my fault.'

Villanueva: They don't care. Most of the team are planning on proving to the investors that they don't need to be replaced.

'By shutting me out...'

Villanueva: Basically. Sorry it's not you. It's the team.

"Gallerne? You're going along with this? You saw what we did out there on the pitch. We could connect like that all season long. We have chemistry.'

Gallerne: We do. I want to keep my job too. I don't want to be sold down to Division 4 or 5 after working so hard to get here.

'Well Garcia is still in our Division.'

Gallerne: Garcia was younger. Clubs like their strikers young and spry or old with a storied history with their club. The only clubs that spend money on an aging striker those looking to make a push for promotion in a lower Division. I'd probably be headed to Trenton Juniors.

'You're good Gallerne. You're way too good for anything less than Premiership. C'mon I grew up watching you guys play. Every single match of the invincible campaign I watched you guys. Your blowouts, your last minute goals, Villanueva. I remember. We're good, together. I know how you guys play. The rest of the team, Renson over there, are afraid because they aren't good enough. Together, we can let the investors know that WE are an unbreakable diamond. Breaking us apart would mean ruining any chances of making it to the Premiership.

Villanueva: So go against the squad's protest?

Gallerne: I get it. Moreno. You're right.

Villanueva: Really?! You guys are crazy. The whole squad will turn on you.

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